Without caring and empathy from a leader, nothing else matters. Therefore, saying “I know this” simply isn’t relevant!

What growth looks like

Well, in some cases growth looks like I’ve changed my mind about something!

“Changed my mind” implies that over time, after thinking, I believe something different.

Today’s Observation: Because of a deliberate choice, and personal growth, I’m seeing the same “facts” from a different point of view.

What causes you to change your mind on an issue?

The Precept: In Proverbs 14.8 Solomon discusses the process of becoming more self-aware. That is, self-awareness is linked to how we change our perspective about ourselves.

Image of a paraphrase for Proverbs 14.8

I know this!

Well, fact is, nobody cares what you know!

There’s an old saying: “People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.”

I believe people don’t care how much leaders know. They don’t care about your skill set, or the depth of your industry insights.

Today’s Observation: Without caring and empathy from a leader, nothing else matters.

Have you worked with a know-it-all leader who didn’t care at all?

The Precept: Proverbs 19.22 teaches us that what people deeply desire is human kindness.

Living by default

I have a vision. So what?

And, I have a plan to realize my vision. Who cares?

But, I have goals to accomplish that plan. Not impressed!

What’s the next step? What action have you taken toward executing that plan? 

Today’s Observation: We must act! No action means we live by default!

So, are you habitually planning or are you taking action?

The Precept: From Proverbs 16.33 we learn that information gathering is Ok, but good judgment about life direction is divinely revealed.

Exercising good judgment, especially in challenging, non-routine, and high-stakes situations, does much to build a leader’s influence and legacy. proverbsforprofessionals.net

Break the cycle!

Negative self-talk reinforces our limiting beliefs.

Our limiting beliefs prevent us from taking action that leads to personal growth.

 The result? A self-inflicted loss of choices available to us.

Today’s Observation: THOUGHTS -> BELIEFS -> ACTIONS.

When we change our thinking we position ourselves to live with purpose, on purpose!

The Precept: Proverbs 23.7 states the widely-held principle that we become what we constantly think about. So, watching our self-talk leads to living a balanced life of abundance!

Early AM photo of fog on the mountains after a heavy rain.

Experience – Reflect – Share

Some experiences are harsh.

However, when combined with careful reflection, those experiences produce deep learning.

In turn, that learning equips us to share effectively with others who are experiencing similar challenges.

Personal growth is good. But, being equipped to care for others is better.

Today’s Question: How do you view harsh experiences?

The Precept: From 2 Corinthians 1.4 we learn how life difficulty prepares us to share with and care for others who are having similar experiences.

Where is contentment?

Like love, we look for contentment in “all the wrong places”!

Contentment isn’t a place. Or an experience. Or even that one perfect relationship.

Instead, contentment is deep inside me. It parallels my self-worth and self-value.

Today’s Observation: Transforming myself, by beginning with WHO I am right now, is ancient wisdom. But, it brings me to the core of true contentment in life.

Share with us in a comment what you’ve learned about contentment.

The Precept: According to Proverbs 3.17 a precept-driven life produces in us peace and pleasantness.

Photo of a dogwood blooming - early springtime in the mountains.

Why me?

Well, because I caused it! That’s “why me”!

Fact is, sow-reap can be as unpleasant as it is unrelenting. Or, it can provide much desired multiplication in my life.

So, when I change myself, I change my life.

Today’s Observation: Outcomes change in my life AFTER I change WHO I am! Yes, I’m responsible for my life outcomes.

What’s one area in your life you are working to improve right now?

The Precept: In Proverbs 1.22 wisdom begs me to give up simple-mindedness, arrogance, and over-confidence. The choice is mine!

Early AM sunrise photo.