The professionals I interact with on LinkedIn “I’m a professional” by their presence, even though most aren’t corporate types.

Image of Practical Applications of Timeless Precepts used in the post I'm a Professional

This blog post is composed of my personal LinkedIn entries for January 24 through January 27, 2022.

Finding Good!

Finding good brings deep satisfaction to a leader.

As such, impactful leaders look for good in their decisions.

Good comes from strengthened relationships and building greater influence.

Conversely, impactful leaders don’t rely on native intelligence or positional authority. Instead, the leader’s motivation is his/her desire to produce good.

Today’s Question: Share a personal story of how you’ve found good in your interactions as a leader.

Finding good implies that it’s not about me as a leader. Instead, it’s about my ability to influence others.

Verse paraphrase for Proverbs 16.20

I’m a professional!

Who are the professionals you interact with on LinkedIn?

For me, most aren’t corporate types.

Instead, they’re business owners, attorneys, artists, agents, life coaches, career consultants. Entrepreneurs!

Being professional involves:

1). A clearly-understood life purpose
2). A passion to serve
3). A defined niche
4). Ideal clients, and
5). Cultivation of lasting relationships.

The outcomes? Interactions that are practical, relevant, timely, and impactful. And, having a deep influence on the lives of others.

Today’s Question: What traits and practices define you as a professional here on LinkedIn?

JPG image containing a definition of the term professional - based on unique value added

I quit!

Huh? Seriously? Didn’t see that coming!

Apparently, many are hearing the same thing in the U.S. and elsewhere.

People leave for many reasons. Let’s focus on appreciation – how I feel about a job and my supervisor.

If an employee never hears any expression of gratitude they will feel unappreciated. Fact is, gratitude impacts mindset.

It may be easy to express gratitude for some. But, I found I had to be intentional about finding and mentioning things to direct reports.

Be the leader who makes time to care for others by expressing gratitude.

Today’s Question: What are some effective ways to express gratitude?

I found that expressing gratitude could be something as simple as buying lunch for those few in the building the day before a long holiday.

According to Proverbs 15.23 what we say can be a source of deep joy to others.

Image about the importance of both feeling and expressing gratitude.

Two questions!

1). Do you know who you are?
2). Are you happy with who you are?

Question 1 speaks to self-awareness. Question 2 to self-worth.

In short, what do you know and how do you feel about yourself.

For a long time I struggled with self-worth because I was never good enough, or athletic enough enough, or …

Poor self-worth cascaded into low self-confidence. Worse yet, into excessive efforts to prove how good I really was.

That cycle began to change when I grew my self-awareness as part of my personal growth efforts.

Today’s Observation: Self-awareness says I recognize who I am right now while I grow intentionally into who I can become. Self-worth says I’m comfortable with who I am right now as well as with the person I am becoming.

Proverbs 11.25 states that a generous person receives back generously. So, be generous to yourself!

Here’s a photo of the author as an undergraduate – as serious as ever!

Photo of the author when he was an undergraduate in college.