Proverbs for Professionals tagline slide as used in the post: Knowing What To Ask For

Leadership Lessons: Solomon

Knowing what to ask for is a critical skill for a leader because asking for the wrong thing is as bad as not asking at all. So, ask for discernment!

Before deciding, a leader must listen with the heart to discern what’s right. First Kings 3.9 paraphrase

The Story

How should I respond to a blank-check opportunity?

Do I jump in without thinking?

Conversely, do I pause to consider the opportunity.

In addition, do I recognize I’m no more impactful than I’m humble?

Or, do I let it go to my head, producing arrogance?

Well, when Solomon had this opportunity, he thought carefully. Then, he acknowledged God’s blessings. But, he wasn’t over-confident or entitled.

Knowing What To Ask For

Instead, Solomon responded in humility. Then, he asked for a discerning character, see First Kings 3.5-9.

He made the request so he could listen with his heart. Then, use a rational decision process based on knowing the difference between right and wrong.

In short, he wanted to listen deeply, discern what’s true, then act appropriately. Thus, listen – discern – act. Now, that’s knowing what to ask for!

Proverbs for Professionals keystone image

Leaders who listen carefully, then discern what’s right, are positioned to act wisely!

Leadership Insight

Now, with great opportunity comes great responsibility. Truly, impactful leaders recognize both.

Moreover, an impactful leader isn’t overcome by the size of the challenge. Instead, they prepare.

And, like Solomon, impactful leaders base their deliberations on a rational process.

Granted, we don’t know the specific experiences Solomon had before becoming king.

However, we do know that he was intentional about his personal and professional growth. How so? By statements like Proverbs 1.2 and Ecclesiastes 1.17 where he says “… I focused my character development on understanding wisdom …”

Proverbs for Professionals verse paraphrase for Proverbs 1.2 as used in the post: Knowing What To Ask For

Similarly, impactful leaders focus on personal growth. And, they display self-awareness by knowing what to ask for. As a result, they’re prepared when opportunity comes.

Proverbs for Professionals image of Characteristics of an Impactful Leader as used in the post: Knowing What to Ask For

Apply This Today!

A defensible decision process produces high-quality decisions when it’s combined with a willingness to listen, plus a sound character.

One outcome of listening with the hearts is that those being listened to feel appreciated.

Unfortunately, leaders who cannot discern right from wrong aren’t fit to lead.

In addition, no amount of industry expertise or market-beating performance can overcome the damage caused by a flawed character!

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