Sense-making helps me understand why something has happened. But, knowing WHY isn’t enough. Let’s discuss what else is needed.

Paraphrase of Proverbs 4.25-27 as used in the post: Knowing WHY Isn't Enough.

But Wait, There’s More!

Sense-making, by knowing WHY something has happened, is good for us. 

But it’s simply not enough!

Why? Because sense making doesn’t guarantee a path forward!

 Fact is, there are other factors for making a successful transition after a challenging life event.

Truly, knowing WHY isn’t enough!

Thus, WHY is necessary, but it’s not sufficient.

In addition, we need traits such as persistence, agility, critical thinking, and self-confidence if we’re to move forward.

The Role of Spiritual Insight

The intangible here is clarity about God’s purpose in life.

Knowing our purpose brings with it the Big Three Wisdom Traits: discernment, experiential insight, and an ability to make sense of things.

Solomon touches on sense-making in Proverbs 3.5 when he says: “…lean not on your own understanding…”

There, the underlying Hebrew word for “understanding” matches well with sense making as explained in Proverbs Chapter 4.

Consequently, sense-making is good because it positions us for making a decision, then taking action.

An abundant life discovers its divine purpose. More importantly, an abundant life makes progress toward accomplishing that life purpose!

The Precept

Proverbs 10.4 contrasts being diligent, thus decisive, with being “slack” or lazy.

Actually, reflection is good, but decisiveness is better!

Why? Because decisiveness pairs well with intentionality. Decisiveness pushes us to move forward. To act on what we know to be true.

Exercising good judgment, especially in challenging, non-routine, and high-stakes life situations, does much to build both our self-confidence and our reliance on God’s leading in our lives.

Apply This Today!

First, we pull in the essential human traits, such as critical thinking, needed for sense-making. Then, we deliberately pair sense-making with spiritual sensitivity to make wise choices in life.

The most productive type of life change is intentional. As such, you’re deliberate about where you’re going and why you want to go there! That’s using foresight rather than reacting to life events.

Impactful life decisions never happen if we’re unwilling to take some measured risks. Therefore, we need spiritual sensitivity, paired with decisiveness, when writing our life story.

Finally, a question: After reflecting and sense-making, what’s next for you? Identify the practices that help you find a path forward.

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