Early morning clouds

We spend a lot of time talking about life purpose. But, what are some ways of nurturing your life vision? Let’s discuss that!

Purpose and Vision

How does life purpose relate to life vision?

Well, for me, purpose – my WHY – is what I’m to be doing during a given season of my life. As such, my WHY can change, over time, because of several factors.

Factors such as…? Where I am in my career is an obvious “such as.” Specifically, my purpose as a 20-something was very different than my WHY now that I’m in my 70’s.

If purpose is the driver in my life right now, then vision is the mental picture I carry around in my head of what that purpose looks like when it’s carried out – successfully.

An abundant life discovers its divine purpose. More importantly, an abundant life makes progress toward accomplishing that life purpose! proverbsforprofessionals.net

Nurturing Your Life Vision

Now, how do I go about keeping my vision alive? Thus, how do I avoid letting that vision get clouded and foggy?

I suggest there are at least three ways of nurturing your life vision:

1). Progress Through Intentional Growth

2). Clarity of Purpose

3). Persistence

Let’s discuss each of these three P’s.

Three P’s of Vision Nurturing

Regarding the nurturing of your life vision, here are three factors that worked well for me late in my career:

1). Progress – Be intentional about personal and professional growth. The resulting steady progress encourages us to keep moving forward.

In Proverbs 2.2 Solomon pushes us toward a growth mindset when he asks us to listen, then apply that hearing to our character transformation.

A growth mindset is the essential foundation for accomplishing a dream. But, mindset isn’t enough. Ok, what’s next?

2). Purpose – Have clarity about your WHY, thus, be clear about how this life vision fits with your values and where you feel you can best contribute. Knowing my WHY, according to Proverbs 11.5 (being “perfect” or complete in life), is a source of divine direction.

3). Persistence – Be persistent, especially in the face of set-backs, which are inevitable. A dream will push you out of your comfort zone, thus it will be a challenge for you to accomplish.

Regarding persistence, Proverbs 10.4 contrasts a “slack hand” with “diligence” – sharp, focused, decisive, and persistent efforts aimed at a specific goal.

Proverbs 11.5 makes a connection between being right with God (“righteousness”), and knowing our God-given life purpose (“the perfect”), with getting clarity about our direction in life (“direct his way”). proverbsforprofessionals.net

Apply This Today!

It’s good that you desire to grow. But, it’s much better to have clarity about the direction of and purpose for that personal and professional growth.

Desire and direction are good. However, those two must be paired with determination if we are to enjoy significant growth in our lives.

In fact, nurturing your life vision isn’t easy – at all – from my personal experience, but it is significantly fulfilling.