Critical Thinkers Are Foresighted

Proverbs 22.3 teaches that critical thinking lets me change course. Thus, I respond to anticipated problems because of foresight. In fact, critical thinkers are foresighted. Think Critically Critical thinking involves objective analysis and reasoned judgment. In other words, critical thinking means careful thinking toward a goal. Thus, I identify the truth while avoiding cognitive biases. […]

Critical Thinkers Are Self-controlled

To be quickly angered is foolish. Conversely, critical thinking avoids angry outburst because critical thinkers are self-controlled. Traits of Critical Thinkers Critical thinking is an important personal attribute for a leader. As such, it’s mentioned in Proverbs several times. I’m interpreting the Hebrew word arum as critical thinking. Depending on the version of scripture, the […]

Critical Thinkers Are Self-discerning

Discernment is an outcome of critical thinking, according to Proverbs 14.8. Actually, I become more self-aware by thinking critically. Thus, critical thinkers are self-discerning. Become Self-discerning Emotional intelligence includes self-awareness. In fact, before I can be socially aware I must be self-aware. Interestingly, Proverbs 14.8 defines self-awareness. As such, the verse says it’s discernment from […]