Positioned for Multiplication

I’m positioned for multiplication through personal growth. That is, I’m ready for opportunities when they come because of leadership skills built earlier. The Precept Explained How often do you get more than you bargained for? What were times when your expectations were exceeded? Perhaps these outcomes aren’t common when receiving commodity services. However, I become […]

Emotional Energy Fuels Resilience

Proverbs 18.14 observes that attitude is everything! Actually, a positive attitude helps me be resilient in the face of challenges. Thus, emotional energy fuels resilience. The Precept Explained Emotional energy can carry me through a challenging experience, such as an illness, according to Proverbs 18.14. In addition, emotional energy keeps me from being overwhelmed by […]

Character Building is Hard Work

Unfortunately, there’s no quick-and-easy way to a good character. Instead, it requires a slow-and-steady approach. In fact, Ecclesiastes 7.4 says character building is hard work. The Precept Explained My reputation is everything. Thus, a good name is important, Ecclesiastes 7.1. As such, a good name shows who I am inside. And, it enables me to […]