Personal growth isn’t easy, hence the risks of growth. But we should take the risks. Learn from experiences. Then, move forward.

This blog post contains my personal LinkedIn posts for September 5 through September 11, 2022.

Can people change?

Sure, people can change!

It’s more relevant to ask “Will I change?”
Why’s that more relevant?

Because there’s a big difference between “Can people change?” and “Will I change?”

I have a vision for who I want to become. But, as the growth journey unfolds, I build my self-awareness and self-confidence. As a result, that vision of my future self becomes increasingly clear, thus much more real!

Today’s Observation: “Can People change?” is somebody else’s problem. “Will I change” is MY problem!

The Precept: In Proverbs 14.7 we’re advised to walk away when speaking to an over-confident fool who cannot be reasoned with! Overconfidence is incurable – it blocks change, thus growth.

The Question: What lifestyle practices help you to recognize the need to change?

Fall colors on the trees

Self-discovery: Finding my voice

Voice is how I best share my authentic self with others. Some write. Some create videos.

Now what? Now, I need content – my unique story.

Our greatest impact on others comes when we are extremely clear about our life purpose, then express that purpose by freely sharing our distinctive insights in the form of stories.

Today’s Observation: Voice and content are good, but not the end. I must use my voice to share my story if I’m to have an impact on others.

 The Precept: In Matthew 5.15-16 we’re told to share our light. When we share our story we are allowing the light of authentic self to shine on others.

The Question: In what ways are you developing your stories in order to share with others?

Fog on the mountains

Where content comes from

The best content for posts comes from life experiences. It fits like this:

1). Voice – communicating our authentic self
2). Content – insights gained from life experiences
3). Sharing – using our voice to share insights

My unpursued life passion impacts no one – not even me!

Today’s Observation: There’s no impact from our life experiences if they’re never shared. Similarly, there’s no insight without purposeful reflection.

The Precept: Proverbs 15.21 says I can either build experiential insight or continue to endure stupidity!

The Question: What process enables you to convert life experiences into useful, sharable content?

Photo of a wild flower

Introvert Tip: Share Your Message!

Having a message, and sharing that message, are two different things.

It’s tough for introverts to open up enough to share their message.

Without sharing, the message remains hidden.

It’s nice to be an influencer, but much better I think to encourage and inspire others.

Today’s Observation: We provide value to others by knowing our life purpose, revealing our authentic self, and sharing our distinctive messages. 

Use your introvert voice to share your purpose-driven message. In turn, purpose and authenticity will draw the audience that values your message.

Moonlight through the trees

The Risks of Growth!

Personal growth is risky.

We may make a career change based on our growth.
And fail miserably.

I know. I’ve been there – done that!

Slow learning and modest growth is better than NO learning and NO growth!

Today’s Observation: We’re drawn to safety rather than to the risks associated with personal growth.

Take the risks. Learn. Move forward.

The Precept: In Matthew 25.25 the overly-cautious steward said “I was afraid, so I hid my talent.” Undeveloped or unused talents are useless.

The Question: What experience have you had with personal growth and risk taking?

Dark clouds