It’s true that in nature, as well as in relationships, we see what we’re looking for. So, I should slow down to not miss what’s going on around me!

The Essentials

It’s time for my early morning walk. And, it’s mid-summer; 60 degrees outside (15.5 degrees C).

I hear the two creeks that run nearby. Then, at the top of the hill, I get a first glimpse of the low fog on the mountains. So, there’s great weather and beautiful scenery.

That said, I can complete the 45 minute walk around the lake and back without noticing the streams or the surrounding mountain ridges. Why? Because we see what we’re looking for!

But, how do you miss a mountain? Most simply, by looking elsewhere! Granted, some mornings it’s so foggy that the mountains are hidden, but that’s the exception.

I must be careful not to run past critical relationships in my race toward personal and career goals!

The Precept

In Proverbs 11.25 we learn that we are personally enriched by showing grace to others. Thus, mercy and generosity are good for my soul.

The verse is an early version of “Give and it will be given to you.” In short, I receive back from life what I consistently give out to others.

The Precept: I am enriched when I bless others by my giving.

Apply This Today!

“See what we’re looking for” is true for nature, but especially true for relationships.

Leaders must be sensitive to the interpersonal issues around them.

Moreover, meeting quota doesn’t excuse cluelessness or insensitivity to the needs of co-workers. So, don’t be that leader!

Now, what helps you to slow down in order to be observant of needs around you?

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