Impactful communications never leave you thinking well, that’s complete nonsense! This post provides three tests for impactful communications.

The Essentials

Ever read a social media post and think, Huh? That’s complete nonsense! I occasionally see those posts. Often, in the form of a poorly-worded poll.

Similarly, year’s ago there was a comedian, Professor Irwin Corey. He billed himself as “the world’s foremost authority.” That’s right, he never said foremost authority of what!

Video clips of Corey are available on the Internet. He made his living by talking. But, the dialog was a stream of nonsense! It was entertaining. But, it was totally confused.

Now, posting sound content on social media outlets should not be like Professor Corey! That is, don’t be guilty of publishing complete nonsense!

The issue with impactful communication isn’t my intention to be well-meaning. Instead, the issue is communicating well!

The Precept

Proverbs 12.23 notes that useless communication is rooted in a foolish character. Likewise, Proverbs 13.16 shares how fools publicly publicize their foolishness but critical thinkers manage knowledge effectively.

Before being influenced, it’s Ok to ask why someone is qualified to offer advice in a particular discipline. Visit their profile or “About Me” section of their blog. Their credentials should be clearly stated.

The Precept: Critical thinkers handle the facts effectively!

Apply This Today!

Fundamentally, I avoid publishing nonsense by rereading what I’ve just written. Then, I ask myself these three basic questions:

1). First, does this make sense? Others should be able to understand what I’ve written. Thus, it should be coherent.

2). Then, does it add value? Something can be clear, but still not be of value to anyone because it doesn’t address a need or answer an important question.

3). Finally, is it actionable? Most plainly, is there a call to action? If not, someone can read the post and simply walk away thinking “that’s nice.”

If my contribution doesn’t meet these three criteria, then scrap it and start over.

Otherwise, I risk leaving the impression I have nothing to say that others should read.

So, am I, are you, asking these very basic questions before we communicate?

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Contact-me block as used in the post, Well, that's complete nonsense!