It’s important for us to consider where we choose to live. Do we live in the past, the present, or the future? Let’s discuss those three options.

Selfie of the author - standing beside a clock.

Three Choices

Mentally, we can live in the past, the present, or the future.

I get it that we’re not completely in any one of those places all of the time.

But, we can certainly spend way too much time in the past, or the future, if we’re not careful.

Where We Choose To Live

So, what’s the best way to handle our mental living arrangements? Here’s a suggestion for staying in balance and being mindful:

1). The Past: Gain experiential insights from past events through deliberate reflection. Then, use that learning to inform what you’re doing right now. Conversely, don’t get stuck in the past through regret or bitterness.

2). The Present: We must make sense of what’s happening right now by being present. Thus, be emotionally intelligent enough to grasp the significance of right now. Be present! Pay attention! That way, you’re able to connect the dots of life events.

Sense making changes disconnected events into a coherent whole. Thus, life experiences can become a growth process when I’m teachable.

3). The Future: Through critical thinking we can build foresight about likely future outcomes. Subsequently, we can plan accordingly. However, don’t spend all our time worrying about what may or may not happen.

From Proverbs 22.3 we learn that critical thinking produces foresight. However, the simple-minded lack foresight. They walk right into serious problems.

In short, recognize the extreme value of insight, sense making, and foresight in finding and living the balanced life.

By the way, those three are all outcomes of knowing wisdom as described in the Book of Proverbs!

Apply This Today!

Where we choose to live should be a deliberate choice. Therefore, choose wisely!

Now, what’s a healthy percentage of time to spend in each of these three time blocks? There’s no set number, but it seems reasonable that the largest percentage of our time should be mindfully living in the present.

Thus, enjoy each day – deliberately! Where do you choose to live?