Wisdom is a free gift, but who really needs wisdom? Well, you should read this post to see if you meet the criteria!

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A Word Picture

Proverbs 1.20-23 is a word picture. There, wisdom is embodied as a person.

Specifically, she walks around. In the places where influencers hang out. You know, those places where business is transacted. So, all those locations where the movers and shakers are found.

Repeatedly, she calls to anyone who will listen.

Now, here’s one obvious takeaway. This public call means it’s freely available to anyone. That is, wisdom isn’t native intelligence.

Moreover, this free offer means wisdom isn’t common sense!

Proverbs 17.24 teaches that one mark of wisdom is a discerning character. Conversely, the foolishly-overconfident are totally unfocused. proverbsforprofessionals.net

Who Is Called?

So, who is the target audience for this call? Who really needs wisdom? Well see Proverbs 1.22 for the answer!

Actually, the call is to three groups: the simple-minded, the scorners, and those who are foolishly-overconfident.

What are these three groups like?

First, the simple-minded are naïve. Why? Because they believe everything they’re told (Proverbs 14.15). Worse yet, the simple-minded lack foresight (Proverbs 22.3).

Second, are the scorners. They are know-it-alls (Proverbs 9.8). Thus, they’re unteachable (Proverbs 13.1).

Third, are the foolishly-overconfident. They lack discernment (Proverbs 8.5). They’re troublemakers (Proverbs 10.23). And, are self-deceived (Proverbs 14.8). In addition, then lack focus (Proverbs 17.24). Unfortunately, the foolishly-overconfident get angry and push forward in situations where the wise are cautious (Proverbs 14.16).

From Proverbs 22.3 we learn that critical thinking produces foresight. However, the simple-minded lack foresight, hence walk right into serious problems in life. proverbsforprofessionals.net

What’s the Catch?

Ok, wisdom is a free gift available to everyone. But, what’s the catch? What must I do?

Actually, according to Proverbs 1.23, the “catch” is that we must be teachable. Thus, we must be willing to listen, then allow the precepts to transform us from the inside out.

In short, the prerequisite for being wise-hearted is a desire to learn paired with a willingness to change.

Personal growth is an inside-out process where we discover, develop, and demonstrate our purpose-driven self. Therefore, live with purpose on purpose! proverbsforprofessionals.net

Apply This Today!

I ignore the call of wisdom in my life by being a believe-it-all, or a know-it-all, or a do-it-all.

Becoming wise-hearted isn’t easy because it involves self-reflection, plus it demands change.

Building wisdom into my life is a slow process. It takes a lifetime!