I suspect we’ve used some form of “I’m Not Enough!” Well, here are 3 Views of: I’m Not Enough.

How Did I Get Here?

Sometimes, we say “I’m Not Enough!” because we are frustrated at repeated failures.

Selfie of the author as used in the post 3 Views of: I'm Not Enough!

At other times, we say it because we don’t want to put in the effort to change who we are. Thus, it’s easier to wallow in self-pity.

I’m sure you can think of other reasons why “I’m Not Enough!” is how we are feeling at a point in time.

At the risks of oversimplification, here are three views of I’m not enough for you to consider.

View #1: False – I’m Enough!

In this case it’s simply a false statement. Why? Because I am enough right now. As such, I need to stop with the excuses and get in the game.

That is, I should stop using this cliche as an excuse for my lack of engagement with life. In reality, I don’t always have to be the smartest, or best looking, or strongest in order to compete well!

View #2: Maybe

This middle position is along the lines of “sometimes Yes” and “Sometimes No.” Consequently, it really depends on the day and on the circumstances.

How so? Well, my view of my capabilities, hence how I feel, is driven totally by external events. Often, there’s no grounding in fact or reality regarding who I believe I am or what I think. It’s all short term emotion.

View #3: True – I’m Not Enough – Yet!

Unfortunately, there are situations where we really are NOT enough. In fact, we are not ready for that next promotion. Or, we currently lack the skills to perform at the next level of competition.

What to do? For starters, we need to begin working on our sense of self-worth; build that self-confidence by identifying small wins that are possible.

Actually, the reality is that I’m not currently enough for where I want to go. But, I’m committed to personal and professional growth so I can become who I need to be! The entry point for that dramatic growth is enough humility to admit that I need to grow — a lot!

A mindset that can envision abundance drives transformation, and is critical for our well-being. proverbsforprofessionals.net

Apply This Today!

There you have it. 3 Views of: I’m Not Enough! So, be honest with yourself. I’m not enough – right now! But, with a growth mindset I can become enough in the future.

Remember, it’s possible to desire growth AND be confident in who I am – both at the same time.

Recognizing that we’re not enough can be challenging. Often, that realization stems from failure or similar setback. However, a setback that motivates growth, thus producing lasting change, is of great value indeed!