We talk ourselves out of significant growth because we fail to recognize the incredible power of YET! Let’s fix that.

Sunset over the mountains, as used in the post The Incredible Power of YET!

I’m Not Enough!

How often, in frustration, have you (have I) said “I’m not enough!

Well, why do we say that? Because we have just failed at something, that’s why.

What to do? It’s Ok to fret – for a while. But, at some point fairly soon, we must think through what happened.

Why did I fail? What factors contributed to the problem? Most importantly, what can I do differently the next time?

When we ask those types of questions, we’re moving beyond a failed attempt at personal growth. Actually, those questions are pushing us to recognize where we are right now in regard to our skill set and/or professional demeanor.

Fact is, we’re not where we need to be – YET!

I’m Not Enough – YET!

Through reflection we can be honest with ourselves. And, we can admit I’m not enough – YET.

That additional word YET opens the door to dramatic growth. We stop being a victim and start looking for ways to become someone who IS enough.

Please note, I’m not saying it’s Ok to talk down to yourself, or drag around the weight of failure. Instead, for where I am right now, I am enough. That’s an important component of self-worth.

However, for where I want to be – personally, spiritually, and professionally – I’m not enough – YET!

The Precept

Ok, what’s the prerequisite here? In other words, what comes before this hard conversation with myself?

What comes first is humility. Ha, it’s that simple! If I’m too arrogant to learn, nothing will change. Instead, I’ll stay right were I am.

This precept appears in the Book of Proverbs in a couple of places. For example, in Proverbs 11.2 we read that “humility brings wisdom.” Similarly, in Proverbs 15.33 we read that humility comes before having influence.

My humility, in the form of being able to accept correction, has a dramatic impact on my personal growth.

We’re told to “let your light shine.” Truly, that light is the unique value proposition we offer to others. As such, our light differentiates us, empowers us, and is evidence of our self-confidence. proverbsforprofessionals.net

The Incredible Power of YET

Truly, there’s transformative power in YET. The incredible power of YET comes from changing our perspective.

How so? Because I start looking at dramatic possibilities in my life instead of all my perceived short-comings. Thus, I change my life outcomes when I change my mindset, simply by adding the word YET to my vocabulary.

Now, YET offers hope. And, YET is challenging. YET enables me to move beyond “What is” to “What can be.”

Proverbs 25.27 paraphrase, as used in the post: The Incredible Power of YET!

Apply This Today!

An important part of living a balance life is being able to manage two conflicting thoughts. First: I am enough right now. Second: I’m not enough – YET!

YET is a subtle mindset change that drives me out of being comfortable with my present enough-ness toward who-I-can-be-ness.

Indeed, mindset change and dramatic personal transformation is the incredible power of YET!