Humility and reverence bring me a life of abundance. In fact, one part of that abundance is influence. Thus, reverence and influence are linked.

Proverbs for Professionals verse paraphrase for Proverbs 22.4 in the post: Reverence and Influence are Linked

The Source of Abundance

Proverbs 22.4 lists two factors that produce “riches, influence, and life.” Basically, those two are reverence and humility as exhibited by a just character.

Thus, I’m to take a hard look at myself. Additionally, I’m to examine my relationship with the Lord.

As a result of this self-examination, I find life success in regard to material wealth and leadership influence.

Actually, a number of other factors in Proverbs impact success. Such as critical thinking and deep thinking. Also, I must be able to think, decide, and act.

But, reverence and humility are perhaps most essential.

Therefore, if I don’t get reverence and humility correct, other factors, such as how hard I work, or foresight, will have a lesser impact on my success.

But, isn’t hard work essential? Certainly it’s important. For instance, see Proverbs 6.6-11. In fact, slacking off leads to serious problems.

That said, hard work doesn’t overcome Godlessness or arrogance in regard to influence. Hence, reverence and influence are linked.

How I Treat Others

Another obvious question at this point is “How about my treatment of others?” In other words, doesn’t success involve traits such as fairness and equity?

Well, it’s good you asked because the answer is Yes!

For example, see Proverbs 21.21. There we read that being right with God and right with others is a source of an abundant life that’s influential.

Proverbs for Professionals verse paraphrase for Proverbs 21.21 in the post: Reverence and Influence are Linked

Abundance + Influence

Proverbs is upfront about the connection between material wealth and influence. However, I believe the two stem from a common source. That is, my level of humility and reverence.

Therefore, material wealth and influence are correlated. But, there’s not necessarily a causal relationship.

Thus, it’s possible to be wealthy but lack influence. For example, see 1 Samuel 25.3 regarding the stark contrast between Nabal and his wife Abigail. He was a rich fool!

Similarly, it’s possible to be influential, at least briefly, but not wealthy. For an example of this second point, read the story in Ecclesiastes 9.13-18.

A poor, wise man delivered the city but no one remembered him! Ecclesiastes 9.15 paraphrase

Sources of Abundance and Influence

What produces both material wealth and influence?

1). A precept-driven life, Proverbs 3.16 and Proverbs 8.18

2). Grace combined with ruthless focus, Proverbs 11.16

3). Reverence and humility, Proverbs 22.4

4). The intentional blessings of God on my life, 1 Kings 3.13 and 2 Chronicles 1.12

In short, success requires balance. Thus, I get the basics, stay focused, and keep myself centered both spiritually and emotionally. In so doing, I find that reverence and influence are linked.

As a result of a balanced life, I position myself for God to abundantly bless me when and as He so chooses!

Proverbs for Professionals verse paraphrase for 1 Kings 3.13 as used in the post: Reverence and influence are linked

Leadership Insight

There are lots of examples of how arrogance, a lack of focus, or ignoring the essentials (“the rules don’t apply to me”), destroy a career. Thus, ignoring humility is destructive.

However, the Proverbs and the life story of Solomon, point to a separate, more basic factor. Because, at its core, his life is a story centered on reverence.

Reverence rarely appears in the leadership literature. That said, spin-off traits such as equity, fairness, honesty, and ethics are frequent leadership topics.

Moreover, the Proverbs are unique as a body of leadership guidance because of the focus on reverence.

Now the obvious question – Are all influential leaders also reverent? Of course not. But, they do require a fundamentally moral character to survive long-term.

So then, why bother with reverence?

Well, the answer to that question involves the time perspective and personal values of the leader. Thus, when viewed through the lens of the eternal, reverence becomes of ultimately important as a measure of career accomplishment for a leader.

What’s the ultimate benefit of success if my eternal soul is lost? Mark 8.36 paraphrase

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