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Leadership Lessons: Solomon

Leaders grow through mentoring. And, they especially benefit from a father’s constructive influence. We see this principle play out in the life of Solomon.

Lead with strength, courage, and persistence! First Chronicles 28.20 paraphrase

The Story

Who deeply influenced your interest in leadership?

Similarly, who mentored you early in your career?

For Solomon, his father had a significant impact on his transition into leadership.

Now, we get a glimpse of the transition of power between David and Solomon through some of their conversations.

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A mentor has no constructive influence unless the mentee has a teachable spirit.

A Father’s Constructive Influence

For instance, in First Chronicles 22.6-13 we read the charge regarding construction of the temple.

Here, the father prays the son will grasp what’s most essential. And, he reminds his son of the blessings that come from obedience.

So, be strong and confident, not confused, First Chronicles 22.13.

Then, in First Chronicles Chapters 28 and 29 Solomon is reminded about the importance of a precept-driven life, 28.8 and 29.19. As a result of this public conversation, Solomon had the support of the ruling class, 29.24.

Proverbs for Professionals verse paraphrase for Proverbs 3.16 as used in the post: A Father's Constructive Influence

Leadership Insight

The nation of Israel grew in wealth and influence during the reign of Solomon. Thus, his wise leadership, when paired with God’s blessings, had significant impact.

As such, his father had a great influence on Solomon.

Responding to the Call

Here are some leadership development principles we can pull from early in Solomon’s career.

First, teach and emphasize the basics for impactful leadership. For example, identify then focus on what’s most essential. Solomon repeated this in Proverbs 4.7.

Proverbs for Professionals image of Characteristics of an Impactful Leader as used in the post: A Father's Constructive Influence

Second, leaders are to respond to challenge with courage and confidence, as expressed in Proverbs 20.2.

Third, be conscious of your “why” as a leader. Thus, you’re not an impostor but are responding to a call to service, as expressed in First Kings 3.7.

Fourth, enter into service wholeheartedly, being sold out to the calling, First Chronicles 29.19.

Fifth, recognize the importance of support from others on the leadership team because it’s not about the leader alone. See Proverbs 11.14 for a restatement of this principle.

Apply This Today!

Impactful leaders bring with them significant clarity of purpose.

Additionally, impactful leaders are successful because they combine purpose with courage and determination.

A willingness to accept wise counsel from a strong mentor helps an impactful leader flourish.

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