Even with outside assistance we sometimes don’t see problems. Thus, the answer to Are you seeing a pattern here? is a resounding NO!

This blog post contains my personal LinkedIn entries for October 4 through October 8, 2021.

Choose “What Now”!

What keeps me trapped in a “What If” life?

You know, where I constantly replay in my head What If I had said or done things differently.

Invariably, it’s something in the past. But, my goal isn’t to learn from the experience, then move on.

Instead, I’m trapped in an endless cycle of speculation and wishing.

Why? I’m drawn to a “What If” mindset to avoid the hard work of dealing with “What Now.”

Today’s Insight: What Now means making the demanding choices to take the next step in life.

Proverbs 23.7 warns that, for better or worse, we become what we focus on. Therefore, be careful about the self-talk, especially negative self-talk.

I don’t need your help!

When do we hear this? Certainly as a parent.

Unfortunately, we say the same when we are too stubborn or too proud to accept assistance. Or, we’re too angry to think straight – so will make it work at all costs!

As an observer, leaders must be discerning enough to know when to step in to avoid a damaging outcome and when to step back and allow someone to grow.

Today’s Question: What criteria do you use to determine when to intervene in the life of a child or a direct report?

Proverbs 26.17 warns against getting involved in conflict that’s none of your business. Knowing what is and is not my business requires discernment as a leader.

See that sign?

While hiking I came across a sign: “Don’t stop here. Bears active in the area.”

Of note was a group of hikers who were stopped under the sign, rearranging their gear!

Why do we ignore obvious warning signs? Well, sometimes we are clueless. Other times hardheaded. Or, we abandon caution due to external pressure.

Today’s Insight: I cannot repeatedly ignore warnings without being held accountable and suffering consequences.

How about you; see any bears lately?

Don’t fall for the belief that “the rules don’t apply to me!” Instead, use foresight based on the warnings you see! proverbsforprofessionals.net

From Proverbs 29.1 we learn that it’s destructive to stubbornly ignore repeated warnings. So, don’t be that leader!

Are you seeing a pattern here?

I was pulled into a conversation with someone who was struggling to interact effectively with others.

He had only been in this job a short while; he had several other short stays before this job.

I didn’t make much progress in the conversation. Why? Because he didn’t see a recurring problem with his behavior!

In fact, the problem was everyone else!

Today’s Insight: Sometimes the answer to “Are you seeing a pattern here” is NO! Don’t be that leader!

How have you been able to get the attention of someone who refuses to acknowledge a destructive life pattern?

Who I am right now doesn’t have to be who I can be if I’m willing to grow. I must be aware of my current self, then have a vision of a successful future self. proverbsforprofessionals.net

Proverbs 24.30-34 is a story of neglect. Root cause is a lack of sound character that fueled inattentive behavior.

Have to or want to?

I suspect that for many, religion falls into the “have to” category. That is, we go out of habit or obligation.

Conversely, true spirituality changes us from the inside out. And, it demands accountability for the deliberate choices we make.

Hence, the scriptural imperative to “be merciful – don’t go through pointless motions”.

Today’s Question: For any area of life, why waste time on that which is empty and superficial?

I must first grapple with WHO I am before I can recognize my WHY (life purpose) or change WHAT I do! proverbsforprofessionals.net

Proverbs 2.2, Proverbs 3.3, and Proverbs 4.4 are examples of instruction aimed at the heart – my deepest inner character, rather than my head.