The Link Between My Thinking and Life Transformation
In order to change my life outcomes I must change my thinking. But how? Well, let’s discuss the link between my thinking and life transformation.
In order to change my life outcomes I must change my thinking. But how? Well, let’s discuss the link between my thinking and life transformation.
How we respond to being told NO is important. This blog post answers the question: Where can NO lead me? Introduction Deep desire is a great motivator. In fact, our desires can push us forward in the face of life challenges. But, what happens when your deep desire is met with an emphatic NO? How […]
We occasionally hear the phrase “Find Your Voice.” But, what’s your voice? And, how do you go about finding your voice? Well, let’s discuss how to find your voice! Introduction We all have HOLES in our self-image and self-confidence as a result of difficult life experiences. However, we all can be WHOLE through the process […]
For a person of faith, much of our learning is experiential. In Lesson 5: Wisdom is Experiential we explore the experiential focus of knowing wisdom. Introduction We learn in a number of different ways. For example, by being told (see Proverbs 4.3-4). By watching a demonstration, thus by observation (see Proverbs 6.6-11). Or, from reasoning […]
The essence of being wise as compared to smart is heart vs. head. Being wise-hearted speaks to character transformation. Let’s examine is wiser better than smarter. Remember what you wished for in grade school? Ugh! Your wish list was likely some version of: I Wish I was smarter, prettier/handsomer, a star athletic, richer, more popular, […]