In Proverbs 23.6 and 23.8, I’m reminded that bad character yields bad outcomes. So, stay clear. Thus, this is Sow-Reap 101!

Don’t associate with someone who is deceptive. Proverbs 23.6 paraphrase

Deceptive relationships produce bad outcomes. Proverbs 23.8 paraphrase

The Precept Explained

Proverbs for Professionals photo of the mountains as used in the post: Bad Character Yields Bad Outcomes
Precepts – as old as the hills! Proverbs 8.25

If I partner with someone who has a bad character, then I should expect bad outcomes! Thus, the warnings in Proverbs 23.6 and 23.8.

Likewise, when I knowingly associate with someone who is deceptive, there will be no good outcome.

As a result, what I sow is what I reap. Unfortunately, that principle is unrelenting in practice.

Bad Character

So then, an obvious question is: How did I wind up in this place?

Well, the other verses in this same passage provide insights.

First, according to Proverbs 23.1, I must exercise discernment to be socially aware.

Conversely, if I’m simple-minded, I lack the critical-thinking skills to be discerning, as explained in Proverbs 14.15.

Proverbs for Professionals verse paraphrase for Proverbs 14.15 as used in the post: Bad Character Yields Bad Outcomes

Second, I need the self-awareness to know where I’m likely to stumble. Hence, Proverbs 23.2 and 14.8.

Proverbs for Professionals verse paraphrase for Proverbs 14.8 as used in the post: Bad Character Yields Bad Outcomes

Third, I must question my own motives. For instance, if I’m driven by get-rich-quick I’ll quickly get into trouble. Thus, Proverbs 23.4. Actually, what’s quick is how fast riches “fly away”, Proverbs 23.5.

In short, I’m easily troubled because bad character yields bad outcomes.

Good Outcomes!

As such, what got me here was my own deliberately bad choices. Additionally, those choices were guided by inappropriate motives and simple-mindedness.

Conversely, what keeps me out of here is my own deliberately good choices. This time, as guided by discernment and critical thinking.

Proverbs for Professionals keystone image as used in the post: Bad Character Yields Bad Outcomes

For best life results, be discerning, self-aware, socially-aware, and be driven by sound motives!

Apply this Today!

The poor character and inappropriate motives of someone else will never produce good in my life. That’s true, no matter how hard I try to rationalize it!

To avoid these problems, I must set hard boundaries based on my carefully-chosen personal values.

Proverbs for Professionals photo of the author

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