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Leadership Lessons: Solomon

Impactful leaders display breadth of character during challenging circumstances. As such, that large-heartedness is expressed by compassion and fairness.

Proverbs for Professionals verse paraphrase for 1 Kings 4.29 as used in the post Breadth of Character

Defining Breadth of Character

How does a leader exhibit breadth of character? And, what traits come along with “largeness of heart”?

More importantly, what practices propel leaders toward breadth of character?

For me, it shows in calmness, regardless of circumstances. Also, by consistent reliance on getting the facts rather than jumping to conclusions.

So, the leader keeps his/her head and stays focused on what’s factual. In addition, leaders display a large heart by being persistent in the face of serious challenge.

Conversely, a large-hearted leader doesn’t panic, or fold under pressure.

Proverbs for Professionals - Today's Observation - previously posted on LinkedIn.

Building Breadth of Character

Now, how do I build large-heartedness?

Well, according to 1 Kings 4.29 a large heart is accompanied by the ability to balance knowing and doing, hence wisdom.

Plus, a large heart comes from experiential insight, thus is time tested.

Leadership Insight

I hope you’ve observed a large-hearted leader. Actually, I have because I learned from a college president.

How so? Well, she was calm during a serious budget downturn. Plus, she expressed confidence in our ability to survive and thrive.

Most critically, she acted carefully while enacting budget cuts. And, she was emphatic about good stewardship of resources while protecting jobs. In fact, she asked everyone to share in the cuts relative to their annual salary.

Thus, breadth of character balances institutional sustainability with the needs and concerns of employees who sustain the mission of that institution.

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For a leader, a large heart expresses confidence and concern.

Are some decisions difficult? Of course. Are there challenging resource re-allocations? You bet. Hence, breadth of character is combined with a defensible rationale for each choice.

Apply This Today!

Impactful leaders lead with the heart by showing compassion and being transparent.

Truly, impactful leaders are large hearted without being soft-headed. So, be that leader!

Breadth of character is revealed most clearly during challenging circumstances.

Growing a large heart means surviving the tough times. But, it produces the experience and resilience for the inevitable next time!

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