Discernment enables us to recognize the truth. In fact, grasping the root issue allows us to tell the difference between the real and unreal. Thus, the discerning recognize the truth.

We all want to be more discerning, more intuitive, more perceptive. However, after hearing suggestions such as “listen to your heart” or believing some have a special sense, we assume that it’s for others.

Growing Discernment

That said, there are plenty of suggestions about improving our level of discernment or perception.

For example, be a better listener and pay closer attention to non-verbal clues. Also, train your senses. And, pay attention to the relationships among co-workers around you.

As expected, perception, discernment, and intuition are  components of emotional intelligence.

Discernment recognizes the difference between the truth and a lie. Then, a sound character speaks the truth. Both parts – recognition and action – are critical! proverbsforprofessionals.net

Defining Discernment

More specifically, discernment is the ability to grasp the obscure. Synonyms for discernment include insight, perception, perceptiveness, and wisdom. For example, the discerning notice fine-point details.

In 1 Kings 3.9 Solomon asked for an listening heart so he could “discern between good and bad.” For what purpose? So he could form sound judgments as a leader! proverbsforprofessionals.net

Similarly, perception is the capacity for comprehending based on careful observation.

Likewise, insight is the power of seeing into a situation by apprehending the inner nature of things.

JPG image with a paraphrase of 1 Kings 3.28 as used in the post Discerning the Truth

The Value of Experiential Insight

One synonym for discernment is wisdom.

Now, the dictionary definition for wisdom reads “the ability to discern inner qualities and relationships, insight, good sense, judgment.” 

But, what are the components of wisdom? In simplest terms, wisdom is factual knowledge combined with experiential insight. That’s the definition found in Proverbs 2.6.

However, I must be willing to observe and to learn from life experiences in order to accumulate those experiential insights. Thus, wisdom is what I know combined with what I can do with what I know.

Conversely, wisdom isn’t simply native intelligence. Instead, it’s the outcome of intentional personal growth, careful observation, and a willingness to be a learner. Thus, I observe, reflect, and build insights that I then plug into my personal and professional life.

In short, knowing wisdom can be our life goal!

Over time, as I build experiential insight, I become more perceptive or discerning. And, I begin to see more deeply into situations.

What you see and what you hear depends a great deal on where you are standing. It also depends on what sort of person you are. C.S. Lewis, The Magician’s Nephew

Therefore, by being intentional about my personal and professional growth, I become more discerning, more perceptive, more insightful.

But, what’s the ultimate value of discernment? Well, one benefit I believe is that a discerning leader recognizes the truth. Unfortunately, truth is becoming a precious and rare asset in the face of “alternate facts.”

Benefits of Discernment

What else? What other benefits come from being discerning, thus able to understand what’s happening?

That is, what’s the payback for becoming more discerning and more perceptive?

According to Travis Bradberry, a discerning or highly sensitive person is emotionally intelligent. In other words, they think deeply, are detail oriented. Thus, slow deciders, and may not take criticism well. Consequently, those who are perceptive, or intuitive, or discerning tend to be reflective and thus take longer to reach a decision.

In short, the discerning will purposefully reflect before acting.

Negatives, however, include overthinking and, at times, over-reacting. Additionally, those who are extremely sensitive can be conflict-avoiders.

Therefore, not only does discernment helps me recognize the truth, it brings with it several other practical benefits, including being deliberate and deliberative in decision making.

Deliberation, I believe, is important for a leader, and for all of us as a matter of fact!

Picture of an old mill on the mountain campus of Berry College

Leadership Insights

Discernment is important for leaders, as well as for aspiring leaders.

But it’s especially important, I think, during times of stress in an organization.

Actually, the discerning leader will be particularly sensitive to the concerns around him or her.

In addition, that leader will acknowledge those concerns in public and private conversations.

For example, organization-wide communications from the top are critical when there are external pressures. The leader must be sensitive in addressing concerns.

But, the leader must also provide a way forward.

For example, a corporate leader takes a stand on a national issue through decisive action. When criticized, that leader responds by saying that the values of the firm are not for sale. By doing so, the leader has turned the conversation back to what is of greatest fundamental importance. In this case, doing the right thing – a universal value that’s unchanging.

With integrity, you will do the right thing, so you will have no guilt. Zig Ziglar

How Not To Be Discerning!

Unfortunately, you can most likely think of examples of leaders who have lacked discretion in their public statements in the face of a stressful situation.

Worse yet, this bad behavior applies equally to politicians as to business executives.

Basically, the leader went off script. As a result, they damaged their personal reputation.

What’s worse, they damaged the goodwill of the organization.

Certainly, when a leader gets it all wrong lots of bad things happen.

For instance, the leader is accused of being insensitive, or combative, or only interested in profits. Ultimately, they may be removed – you know, fired, or voted out of office!

To be clear, I’m not equating discernment only with effective use of corporate crisis communications protocols. Instead, what I’m saying is that a leader can and should exhibit a discerning character to avoid shooting from the hip and hitting all the wrong targets.

An impactful leader is discerning at all times. The outcome is that the leader builds personal goodwill and corporate reputation, rather than damaging it. proverbsforprofessionals.net

Doing Right!

I hope you agree that your leadership can be enhanced by qualities such as self-awareness, self-control, a growth mindset, seeking wise counsel, and being less hardheaded.

Moreover, intentional professional and personal growth helps develop several positive traits. Certainly, discernment is one of those most critical traits!

Apply This Today!

As it turns out, when we fail to recognize the truth we don’t know the difference between right and wrong. Consequently, we get it all wrong when it’s time to be discerning.

Fortunately, discernment helps me recognize the difference between the truth and a lie. Then, a sound character enables me to speak the truth. Both parts – recognition and action – are critical!

 Truly, both my personal and my professional growth will be hindered without the hard work of building a discerning character.

Personally, I learned that discernment is really important during one-on-one conversations. For example, as a business school dean, I needed to recognize motives as well as discern the concerns of others to respond appropriately.

NOTE: An earlier version of this post appeared as a LinkedIn article, which is available at: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/leadership-insights-discerning-leader-recognizes-truth-dale-young/