I’ve made some career choices that I was convinced were good, only to find out I was in the wrong career path. What to do? Don’t live in a fog, that’s what! Instead, find a way forward.

Early AM fog on the mountains as used in the post Don't Live in a Fog!

Well, you’ve come to a fork in the road. Now what?

Maybe that fork is related to a relationship. Or, maybe to a career decision you’ve been putting off for months, or for years. Or even __________, where you fill in the blank for the needed choice in your life.

The “Now what?” is making that decision. You must choose. Stay put or move on. Settle or grow. Take a risk or play it safe.

The Easy Way Out

We can by-pass the emotional, mental, and physical effort needed by taking the easy way out.

We tell ourselves that things could get worse if I change. I could fail. The outcome may be a disaster. We continue to live in a fog.

Is that really true? Turns out, occasionally those worst-case outcomes really happen. Ugh!

But, you know what? The worst-case is only one possible scenario.

In fact, what happens if you succeed? What if things get dramatically better for you?

Remember, unless you’re operating in life by yourself, when things get better they also get better for others around you, like your spouse and children.

The Precept

Solomon makes note of this Easy Out mentality in Proverbs 1.32 where he mentions the “prosperity of fools.” In place of prosperity, some versions use words like careless ease, complacency, and indifference.

In short, we fool ourselves – we lie to ourselves – that the way things are is the way they will always be. Things are Ok as is. They are fine. So, stay put.

That’s what taking the easy way out sounds like in your head.

It’s better to be wrong occasionally, and to recover, than to live in fear of taking action. proverbsforprofessionals.net

Been There, Done That!

I’ve been on both ends of the worst-case, best-case scenarios over the course of my career.

Why? Because truth is, I’m an old geezer so I’ve had lots of time, and lots of chances, to really mess things up!

I’ve made some career choices that I was convinced were good, only to find out I was in the wrong career path. What was working well for others around me wasn’t working well for me – at all!

Conversely, I made a mid-life career transition that was very challenging. But, it was also very rewarding in that it provided a second, 30-year career that was extremely beneficial for both me and my family.

What’s my point? Making a poor career or relationship choice doesn’t mean your whole life is ruined! Moreover, it doesn’t mean you’re stuck there for the rest of your life!

Proverbs 24.16 says that through strength of character we can fail multiple times, but continue to rise up again. proverbsforprofessionals.net

Some Takeaways

The photo at the top of this article shows early morning fog on the mountains near where I live. Similarly, we can be stuck in a fog emotionally, physically, mentally, or spiritually at times in our lives. However, that fog doesn’t have to be permanent. Don’t live in a fog!

Ok, when is life fog permanent? Actually, life fog sticks around as long as I’m taking the easy way out!

I burn off the fog of poor thinking, and questionable choices, by choosing to engage – intentionally – with my life. By taking responsibility for my life’s outcomes. By not settling for what is!

What’s it going to be for you? Are you enjoying abundance and fulfillment? If not, are you making excuses right now and settling for victim thinking?