Fact is, no amount of money is enough for deep satisfaction and life fulfillment unless there is first a clear understanding of what really matters.

This blog post contains my personal LinkedIn entries for March 7 through March 12, 2022.

How do you define wise?

I suggest there are two components of being wise:
1). The ability to grasp what’s essential, and
2). Making sense of things – connecting the dots!

Today’s Observation: Impactful leaders grasp what’s essential in order to maintain focus while carrying out strategic objectives.

The wise-hearted release the unnecessary in order to grasp what’s essential. proverbsforprofessionals.net

Why choose hope?

Hope is indeed a choice we get to make.

As is grace – to ourselves and others.

Also perseverance.

Together they are parts of our mindset that lets us live with purpose, on purpose!

Today’s Observation: My mindset and my deliberate choices are closely related. So, choose wisely!

Proverbs 10.28 teaches that a life of integrity brings both hope and joy.

We can do the right thing!

Individuals and organizations are able to do the right thing because they:

1). Have the discernment to know the difference between right and wrong, and

2). Have the moral courage to do the right thing.

Today’s Observation: Currently, we are witnessing a collective world response to doing right in the face of wrong.

From Proverbs 7.7 we learn that discernment and discretion are rooted in a sound character.

I Do Right – I act with discretion – because I discern what’s right! proverbsforprofessionals.net

What does good look like?

The good I do does not produce fear, anger, disdain, a lack of peace, or similar emotions.

Today’s Observation: Good looks like connection and emotional safety.

From Proverbs 2.19-20 I learn that when I choose integrity I find the path of life that produces good.

Fall foliage.

What really matters?

Given the atrocities in the Ukraine, and a world-wide pandemic, many are asking this question.

I suspect the great resignation in the U.S. is one outcome of people asking “what really matters.”

Fact is, no amount of money is enough for deep satisfaction and life fulfillment unless there is first a clear understanding of what really matters.

Today’s Observation: To me, what really matters is a sense of self-worth, lasting relationships, and recognition of my divine purpose.

In Genesis 17.1 God emphatically told Abraham to get busy living out what had already been revealed to him regarding his life purpose.

I did it my way!

I hate that song! Why?

Because “my way” is often an excuse for arrogance and inflexibility. It refuses to see other view points.

Today’s Observation: “My way” is good when marked by humility and staying true to who I am while treating others with fairness and kindness.

Proverbs 29.23 reminds us that pride is destructive while humility is a source of life-sustaining influence.