Life perspectives such as success and fulfillment are very much self-defined. So, how do you define success?

This blog post contains my personal LinkedIn posts for July 11 through July 17, 2022.

A Poem from a Friend

I received the this poem from a friend I have because of LinkedIn. It is wonderful to build relationships like this as we find common ground for sharing thoughts, concerns, and mutual support with each other. Enjoy the poem!

“It’s a wondrous feeling to experience kindness especially through serendipity. Imagine how it feels like to receive a beautiful picture and a prayer from across the oceans. I am filled with gratitude, so I wrote a tribute dedicated to Dale Young.”

Far Away Friend by Rose Manuel

You prayed for me, my friend.
Then, you woke me up from slumber with a picture, depicting a Glorious Light.

And, You made me look up, to the heavens, Behold what a sight.

You cared for me, my friend With a picture, depicting nature, a journey into the wilderness, with calm surrender.

You see, beyond this picture Is humanity.
Knowing a Far Away friend, nudged my heart, reminding me faith is Courage.
Grace under pressure.

You see, my Friend, Dale this picture you have sent, speaks to me, of your gentle kindness, priceless beyond measure.

Photo of sunrise through the trees

For what purpose?

Many view life’s purpose like Mark Twain viewed the weather. Everyone talks about it but no one does anything about it!

Once we know WHO we are, we’re positioned to discover and pursue our WHY – our life purpose.

Begin with WHO, with your character. Then, you’re equipped to pursue your WHY, your life purpose.

Today’s Observation: Without clarity of purpose we are unprepared to set life priorities. Why? There’s no foundation for choosing priorities.

The Precept: In Genesis 17.1, Abraham was having a mid-life crisis. God told him to get on with his life purpose! To drive home the point, God called Himself El Shaddai – God Almighty.

What practices help you discover your WHY?

Arial view of a mountain scene

Where do you add value?

That’s the light you shine on others!

But, how do you know where you add value?
Here are some suggestions:

1). What do you find deeply fulfilling? That’s pointing you toward your life purpose.

2). What comments do you hear from others about how you inspire them? Ask those closest to you.

3). Where does your gut take you? That’s a strength and a deeply-held value.

4). For a person of faith, how do you sense God’s leading in your life?

5). What do personality or strengths tests tell you about yourself?

We cannot live a purpose-driven life unless we clearly understand our life purpose!

Today’s Observation: You don’t have to be good at something right now. But, be willing to learn.

Adding value doesn’t have to be a source of cash flow!

The Precept: From Proverbs 30.29-31 we learn that strength, decisiveness, self-control, and persistence are sources of influence.

What’s helped you find where you add value, both personally and professionally?

Sunrise with clouds above a tree line.

Failing isn’t failure!

In a recent interview I was asked why I made a mid-career change. Because I was completely failing at what I was doing!

However, failing at one thing, or several things, doesn’t mean I’m a failure in life.

Today’s Observation: I am a failure when I stop trying. When I play the victim continually. When I refuse to see a path forward.

The Precept: From Proverbs 24.16 we learn that someone with a good character can fail, but will get back up and try again. Recovery is good!

How do you differentiate failing and failure?

Sunrise through the trees

How do you define success?

The prior measures of success, I believe, are eroding.

Work from home and the Great Resignation are speeding the process.

Moreover, the pandemic certainly produced a significant amount of self-reflection in regard to what’s really important in life.

Where we begin is much less important than how far we have come, which in turn, is less important than our vision for how far we can go!

Today’s Observation: Life perspectives such as success and fulfillment are very much self-defined. Thus, we should be careful about using the definitions of others to apply to ourselves.

The Precept: Proverbs 8.11 argues that a life lived in balance is of greater value than any form of wealth or personal desire.

What’s your definition of success? What keeps you in balance?

Cloud formation