If your life’s so wonderfully inspiring, why are the outcomes of your life so poor? In short, how’s that working out for you?

This blog entry contains my personal LinkedIn posts for September 12 through September 18, 2022.

What’s Most Critical?

I’m deeply concerned about the high level of simple-mindedness I see.

It appears as extremist politics, excessive nationalism, and conspiracy theories.

The simple-minded believe lies – there’s no confirming evidence. They never ask “Is this really true?”

Unbending views can hinder me from grasping what’s really true. Thus, I need discernment to know where persistence must end and agility should begin. proverbsforprofessionals.net

Today’s Observation: The simple-minded lack the discernment to differentiate between good and evil. Thus, their beliefs are unfounded and their actions are misdirected, or criminal.

The Precept: Proverbs 14.15 bluntly says the simple-minded believe everything they hear. It also says the cure for simple-mindedness is critical thinking.

The Question: What practices help you to be more discerning?

Fall colors as used in the post What's Most Critical?

Where’s the Balance?

We live somewhere between two extremes:

1). “I can do it all”
2). “I can do nothing worthwhile”

Neither view is realistic. Or balanced.

The First leads to burnout.
The Second reinforces a poor self-image.

Our intentionality is what produces the life outcomes we truly desire!  proverbsforprofessionals.net

Today’s Observation: Balance enables us to pursue our life purpose. So, don’t underestimate your gifts for achieving life purpose.

When we balance pursuit of purpose and giftedness we recognize our authentic self.

The Precept: In Ecclesiastes 2.22-24 Solomon argues there’s no benefit to great accomplishment (“do it all”) if there’s no enjoyment of life itself.

The Question: What keeps you out of the “do it all” spiral?

Sunrise and clouds

How’s That Working Out?

There’s a blunt question!

But, if your life’s so wonderfully inspiring, why are the outcomes so poor?

If you’re struggling with relationships, finances, career progression, or distress, find the root cause.

The longer you live the more time there is for personal growth, and thus more capacity for greater fulfillment! proverbsforprofessionals.net

Today’s Observation: Once you’ve found the root cause, you must change!

Is that unpleasant? You bet. Been there, done that. Have I solved all the challenges? NO!

The Precept: Sometimes we don’t get it! We don’t see the problem. See Proverbs 26.4-5 where no answer and no rationale is successful if we will not listen!

The Question: What pushed you to make a change when confronted with difficult life outcomes?

Introvert Tip: Not the life of the party!

Some personal traits aren’t subject to change.

I’m an introvert. It’s hard-wired into me.

No amount of personal growth will turn me into a party-loving extrovert!

Being self-aware is important, but not the end point because I must pair that self-awareness with active pursuit of a life that’s based on my authentic self. proverbsforprofessionals.net

Today’s Observation: I’m never going to be the life of the party. Fact is, I’m not likely to show up for the party if it starts after 8:00 PM!

The Question: What helps you manage your limits?

Mountain view on a cloud morning as used in the post: How's That Working Out?

Lot’s of Clean Underwear

So, you send a 10-year old boy to camp with six pairs of clean underwear. One per day.

They come home with six pairs of clean underwear!

What’s up? He wore one pair of underwear all week!

Today’s Question: What’s been your experience with boys and camp hygiene? Any horror stories you will share?

Photo of a field as used in the post How's That Working Out?

Pursue your passion – Ha!

We’re told to pursue our passion.

Isn’t desire alone enough? NO it isn’t!

Desire is like good intentions. Neither takes you very far without deliberate action.

We envision our future self as part of understanding our life purpose. PURPOSE + VISION together compel us to grow intentionally because we know where we are going and we know why we are going there! proverbsforprofessionals.net

Today’s Observation: Passion is nice, but it’s not sufficient. Instead, persist toward your life purpose, your WHY!

When you pursue your purpose IN life your passion FOR life will follow. Don’t get those two reversed!

The Precept: In Proverbs 13.4 Solomon points out that a lazy person has both lots of desire and lots of nothing! He says desire must be paired with decisiveness, focus, and determination.

The Question: What helps you convert passion into deliberate action?

Clouds, trees, and mountains as used in the post: How's That Working Out?