When you are well outside your comfort zone, hearing “just follow the directions” isn’t a comfort! Read this post to learn the importance of experiential insight.

The Essentials

I hate technology! Actually, I hate the set-up involved with technology.

For example, with our newly-purchased smart TV. The guy at the store said “easy to set up, just follow the directions!”

With hardly any swearing, the TV setup went reasonably well. However, finding and loading the APP for the streaming service wasn’t so easy.

Well, at least not for me! Why? Because they were assuming much more knowledge on my part than my 71-year old brain actually had.

Worse yet, there were no grandkids available to help!

As is, I’m too linear to enjoy the trial and error message. More to the point, why doesn’t this TV remote respond to my threats?

The Precept

In First Samuel 17, we read a familiar story. As part of his job interview for facing a giant, David drew on his past experiences in the field as a shepherd. Read First Samuel 17.34-37 for the details.

In short, day-to-day challenges can become opportunities for significant growth when those events are properly catalogued into my file of experiential insights!

The Precept: Life success involves learning from experience, then applying that new learning into a different context. proverbsforprofessionals.net

Apply This Today!

For me, this experience with basic technology was an example of the importance of knowing my strengths. And, weaknesses.

However, if I always stay in my lane, where’s the growth?

Truly, there’s limited to zero growth if I always do only what I’ve always done.

Comfort-zone living is just that – comfortable and safe. Unfortunately, it leaves me right where I am! proverbsforprofessionals.net

Oh, guess what? The power just flashed off and on while I was writing this post. Now I have to reset all the digital clocks and reboot the PC’s.

Have a nice day! I really hate technology because just follow the directions doesn’t work for me.

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