Leadership that’s impactful comes from a leader who has a clearly developed leadership and decision-making style. Thus, impactful leaders have a distinctive voice regarding how they lead.

Proverbs for Professionals verse paraphrase for Proverbs 27.19 from the post: Impactful Leaders Have a Distinctive Voice

Impactful Leadership

There are any number of measures of leadership impact.

For example, consistent sales and profit growth are a measure of leadership impact.

Also, driving innovation gives evidence of impactful leadership.

Arguably, being known as a compassionate leader who is guided by the heart is also very impactful.

Actually, you likely can think of other attributes that display impactful leadership because the prior list is simply a starting point.

A Distinctive Voice

Practically, some leaders are very consistent in how they make decisions and respond to others. Thus, the criteria just listed become much more important as leadership tools.

As it turns out, impactful leaders build out a very distinctive voice when it comes to their leadership style.

Moreover, that leadership style reflects who the leader is on the inside. In fact, reflection of character was observed in Proverbs 27.19, saying your character reflects who you really are.

Likewise, behavior is influenced by my thought life, according to Proverbs 23.7.

I become what I constantly think about! What’s worse, my words may not reflect my true intentions. Proverbs 23.7 paraphrase

Additionally, a distinctive and consistent leadership style reflects self-awareness because the leaders knows who they are inside. In fact, according to Proverbs 14.8, self-awareness helps avoid self-deception.

Proverbs for Professionals verse paraphrase for Proverbs 14.8 from the post: Impactful Leaders Have a Distinctive Voice

Predictable Responses

Thus, a distinctive and consistent leadership voice is a signal about what to expect from the leader. Most especially, in how the leader reasons and how he or she responds to others.

A distinctive leadership voice signals predictability, as described in Proverbs 27.8. However, that doesn’t mean the leader cannot pivot when the situation demands it.

Nothing gets a leader lost quicker than straying away from whom he or she really is! Proverbs 27.8 paraphrase

Why wander from a successful leadership style? Well, sometimes leaders panic. Or, they’re stressed. Worse yet, they’re pressured to break the rules. Finally, they get in over their heads and feel inadequate for the circumstances!

Proverbs for Professionals keystone image

Circumstances shouldn’t dictate a leader’s character!

Hence, a distinctive and consistent leadership voice is essential when difficulty comes.

Unfortunately, some leaders are emotional. Or, they’re totally unpredictable some days. As a result, they lower their leadership impact because those around them never know what to expect.

Building A Distinctive Voice

Solomon is an example of an impactful leader who built a distinctive leadership voice.

In fact, he became the voice of wisdom by speaking as wisdom. For instance, see Proverbs 1.20-21 and Proverbs 8.1-4.

What does wisdom say to us? Well, in Proverbs 8.5 she says we should stop being so simple minded and so foolishly unteachable! Instead, we should become discerning.

Proverbs for Professionals verse paraphrase for Proverbs 8.5 from the post: Impactful Leaders Have a Distinctive Voice

How did Solomon get there? According to Ecclesiastes 1.17, his life ambition was to “know wisdom.”

Thus, Solomon focused on wisdom building. Hence, he – literally – spoke as the voice of wisdom when sharing what he had learned.

One thing he learned was that impactful leaders have a distinctive voice regarding their leadership style. Above all, that leadership voice reflects who the leader is inside.

Leadership Insight

It’s easy to be thoughtful, and quick on your feet, and diplomatic as a leader when life isn’t stressed.

However, those elements of my leadership voice may go out the window during an emergency. Or, in the face of a heated discussion. Or, when I am pressured to meet unrealistic production goals or unreachable time commitments.

Those are the times when I feel pressured to wander from a successful leadership style. More importantly, a style that’s genuine regarding who I am and what I believe.

A leader finds a consistent leadership voice when he or she develops that character and decision style during the uneventful times.

Then, when the stresses come, an impactful leader has available a distinctive leadership voice that’s consistent, and measured, and ethical. Hence, a style that doesn’t wander from the leader’s true self.

Therefore a distinctive leadership voice is built up over time. And, it yields influence for that leader.

However, the leader must be self-aware. And, the leader must behave consistently with that true self because impactful leaders have a distinctive voice in regard to their leadership.

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Thanks for visiting. If you have any questions or comments, please contact me: larrydaleyoung@gmail.com

