Recently, a comment about a loss led to triggering a memory. That memory includes a sense of loss. However, there’s also gratitude for how we’ve been blessed.

This blog post is made up of my personal LinkedIn entries for the week of November 8 through November 12, 2021.

We see what we look for!

It’s time for my early morning walk.

I hear the two creeks that run nearby. Then, at the top of the hill, I get a first glimpse of the low fog on the mountains.

So, there’s great weather and beautiful scenery.

That said, I can complete the 45 minute walk around the lake and back without noticing the streams or the surrounding mountain ridges.

Why? Because we see what we’re looking for!

But, how do you miss a mountain? Most simply, by looking elsewhere! Granted, some mornings it’s so foggy that the mountains are hidden, but that’s the exception.

Today’s Insight: Don’t miss what should be obvious because of not being present or aware of what’s right in front of you!

I must be careful not to run past critical relationships in my race toward personal and career goals!

In Proverbs 11.25 we learn that we are personally enriched by showing grace to others. Thus, mercy and generosity are good for my soul.

The ice cream truck is here!

This summer, during a grandchild’s off-season football practice, we noticed something.

About the time practice ended an ice cream truck pulled up near the locker room exit! What a coincidence!!

I believe this is a great example of recognizing and acting on opportunity. In this case, be aware of the practice schedule and adjust the route accordingly.

How do I see these opportunities? By being attuned to what’s happening around me every day.

Then what? I must choose to act on the opportunity.

Today’s Question: What’s your process for identifying and acting on opportunities?

I find joy in life when I recognize, then act on, exactly where it is that I contribute the most to others!

It’s wise to envision the harvest, then to engage in harvesting when it’s time! You know, like an ice cream truck parked near the locker room after summer football practice!

Proverbs 10.5 says it’s wise to recognize and act on opportunity. Conversely, it’s shameful to sleep through what life offers!

Triggering a memory!

Recently, my wife made a comment about a loss early in our marriage. It transported me back in time 45+ years.

A panicked phone call. Next flight out to get back home.

Yes, that memory includes a sense of loss. However, there’s also gratitude for how we’ve been blessed.

One take away for me is that what we envision as a life path when we are in our 20’s isn’t necessarily how things play out over time.

What matters, I believe, is a strong personal faith combined with a deep commitment to each other.

Today’s Question: How has your memory of an experience been triggered lately? For example, by a visit, a photo, or rereading an old letter.

I see the good in life when I choose to recognize those blessings! In fact, life itself is a blessing from God to be enjoyed with gratitude.

Ecclesiastes 5.18-20 explains how life blessings are a gift from God. Even though we don’t remember every experience, we receive inner joy from God Himself. “…it is good…to enjoy the good…”

What does I Am really mean?

You’ve seen post asking you to fill in the blank after an I AM statement. Such as, I AM happy… content… troubled.

Deeper questions probe I AM in terms of self-awareness and self-worth. Thus, I AM should address our sense of purpose.

I think I AM isn’t what I do alone (e.g., job, hobbies) or how I feel at a point in time. Most fundamentally, I AM is my character, sense of self-value, and life purpose.

Today’s Insight: When I KNOW who I AM and DO that which fulfills my purpose I am living a balanced life.

Ultimately, my sense of self-worth is deeply rooted in my grasp of my God-given life purpose. That is, what better motive for actively pursuing my purpose than divine revelation?

In Exodus 3.13-14 Moses asks God for His credentials – “What’s your name?” The response was “I AM THAT I AM.” Moses was to say I AM sent me! As such, I AM is uniquely divine. Moreover, that uniqueness reaches deep inside me when I sense who I AM as God’s creation.

Work/Life balance – Really?

What does work/life balance mean anyway?

Perhaps it’s a way to make you feel good about long hours and severe pressure!

For starters, let’s use a familiar mental model: KNOW – DO – BE. I balance what I know about professional success with doing, that is, my regular contribution to the organization. Knowing and Doing are guided by WHO I am in the form of my values and my integrity, hence my Being.

For example, if you value success more than relationships you have no problem with cut-throat behavior. Your integrity may suffer, but the rationale is the end justifies the means.

Examples? Check the news for stories of those who sold out to a cause or a belief to the point that they behaved unethically of illegally, or destroyed their families and their health.

The point? Being out of balance has serious consequences. Thus, work/life balance is only one aspect of living a balanced life.

Today’s Questions: What personal values weigh most heavily in your “True North” decisions about life balance?

A balanced life doesn’t guarantee freedom from stress or pressure. However, it does enable me to make wise choices based on a clear sense of self, plus an understanding of my life purpose.

Proverbs 3.1-4 describes the balanced life as a transformed character that grasps what’s essential in regard to knowing and doing. The benefits are exceptional!