Proverbs for Professionals graphic of the tagline for the blog

Leadership Lessons: Solomon

There are multiple outlets for sharing thought leadership. But, thought leadership is mostly about the quality of the ideas.

Proverbs for Professionals verse paraphrase for 1 Kings 4.32-33 as used in the post: Outlets for Sharing Thought Leadership

Sharing Thought Leadership

Thought leaders effectively share what they know.

As such, they use various outlets for sharing thought leadership. For example, speaking to live audiences, podcasts and other live events, or through social media.

Also, thought leaders share expertise through blogs, courses, conferences, and written media.

Similarly, many have consulting practices or hold master classes for one-on-one or small-group instruction.

However, 3000 years ago there were fewer outlets. Hence, there were written collections of wisdom like writing proverbs, First Kings 4.32. Or, there were one-on-one master classes, First Kings 4.34.

Apparently, thought leadership was a booming business in 1000 BC given the list of names in First Kings 4.31!

Leadership Insight

Proverbs, or short sayings, are still a popular way to express business-related insights and deep thoughtfulness. For example,

1). “Knowledge is power.”

2). And, “don’t risk more than you can afford to lose.”

3). Also, “your first loss is your best loss.”

Institutional Thought Leadership

Today, business leaders build large followings through their posts. Similarly, so do a host of consultants.

Increasingly, organizations are using social media outlets to publish thought leadership that’s relevant to their industry.

Why publish? Because it’s an effective way to influence public opinion and connect with future clients.

Proverbs for Professionals keystone image

Thought leadership informs interested parties about trends, emerging research, and corporate giving in order to influence good will and future sales.

Impactful leaders recognize the opportunity for influence via thought leadership. Where? Well, there are media inquiries, speaking at service clubs, or writing a news column or guest post.

But, thought leadership from a business leader requires deep knowledge of current trends. And, a clear vision for where things are heading. Plus, fluency with basic written and oral skills.

But, as Bill Sherman at Thought Leadership Leverage reminds us, corporate thought leadership should showcase the ideas of the organization. Conversely, it’s not about the personal brand of the executive.

Apply This Today!

Proverbs appears to be a very early version of a blog delivered as a recurring post based on that day’s learning.

So, from the beginning, the thought leadership model was learn then share.

Impactful leaders are thought leaders within their span of control and beyond. How so? By effectively influencing those above, around, and below them in the organization.

Now, how are you being deliberate about professional growth and sharing though leadership as a result of that growth?

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Proverbs for Professionals value proposition as used in the post: Outlets for Sharing Thought Leadership