What’s a fatal flaw? if struck there I’m of no value. As I build self-awareness I can minimize exposure to these weaknesses.

This blog post contains my personal, weekday LinkedIn posts for August 16 through August 20, 2021.

Just follow the directions. Ha!

I hate setting up technology. For example, our new smart TV. The guy at the store said “Easy…just follow the directions.”

With hardly any swearing the TV setup went reasonably well! However, finding and loading the APP for the streaming service wasn’t so easy since there was no grandchild to help!

For me, this was a (small) example of getting (slightly) out of my lane. Fact is, there’s no growth if I always do what I’ve always done.

By the way – I can confirm that a TV remote does not respond to abusive language or threats!

In First Samuel 17 we find a familiar story. In his job interview for facing a giant, David drew on his past experiences. Thus, it’s good to learn from experience, then apply that learning in a different context, you know, like setting up technology!

It’s raining. Is that a problem?

Well, it depends on what I had planned. That said, what if I view rain as part of a normal cycle.

More generally, what if I choose a different perspective on life events?

For example, rather than assume evil intent, what if I simply ask the other person what their intentions were?

Often, perception becomes reality when I make sweeping assumptions. That is, when I don’t take the time to determine what’s really true.

So, leaders must determine the truth. Work from the facts. In short, don’t react when you don’t know what you’re talking about!

Proverbs 16.15 speaks of leaders as givers of good will to others. One way to do this is to work from facts rather than assumptions. Be that leader!

Where should I focus?

Interesting question. Strengths or weaknesses?

I suggest investing where I see the greatest return. Thus, focus on my strengths. Find others on the team who can backfill my weaknesses.

In so doing, I must be self-aware enough to know where I make the greatest contribution. Then, I focus there.

Today’s Question: Where do you place emphasis for your own professional development?

What’s a fatal flaw? If struck there I’m of no value. David struck the giant where he wasn’t protected by armor. As I build self-awareness I can minimize exposure to these weaknesses by learning my triggers, and by looking to others for assistance.

The David and Goliath story in 1 Samuel 17 is a great example of seizing an opportunity disguised as a “giant” challenge! proverbsforprofessionals.net

Why should I focus?

Productivity blogs are filled with hints about how to focus. You know, like turn off e-notifications.

Thus, the immediate reason for focus is productivity. What’s not often discussed is the ultimate reason for focusing.

So, WHY should I focus? Ultimately, to live a life of substance, depth, and meaning. That is, to accomplish my life purpose because I know WHO I am. Then, where I’m going. And, finally, WHY I’m going there!

What practices enable you to maintain focus on your life purpose?

In Ecclesiastes 6.11-12 Solomon warns about the many things that distract us from a life of purpose. He asks “who knows what’s good for me?” The implied answer is God Himself. Without divine purpose, my life is a shadow, without substance. Hence, “his vain life which he spends as a shadow.”

That’s nonsense!

Ever read a post and think, Huh??! What’s this person saying?

One way to avoid publishing nonsense is to simply wait a bit and reread what I’ve just written. Then ask:

1). Will others understand this?
2). Do the comments add value?
3). Is it actionable?

Today’s question: Am I asking these basic questions before I share with others?

Proverbs 12.23 notes that useless communication is rooted in who I am as a person. Thus, professional growth improves the quality of what I say.

Foolish overconfidence isn’t self-confidence!

Can I push too hard? That is, extend myself beyond reasonable bounds?

And, in so doing, take foolish chances that are excessively risky?

Well, I don’t think there’s a clear line between healthy self-confidence and being foolishly overconfident.

So, what to do? How do you establish a balance?

See the blog post, linked immediately below, to read more on this topic.