Truly meaningful and lasting relationships are indeed a lifetime of work and commitment on the part of both partners. Hence, the question: Relationships – Why Bother?

This blog post contains my daily LinkedIn entries for May 9 through May 15, 2022.

Experiencing Loss

When I was very young, my dog started chasing a delivery truck as it drove by.

The dog was running beside the truck, barking at the person standing inside.

The driver’s assistant reached out with his leg and kicked the dog. The dog rolled under the back wheel of the truck.

We took the dog to the vet to find out that nothing could be done. 

Today’s Observation: Looking back on this incident as an adult, I would say to my younger self that some situations are uncontrollable. However, what you can control is your response to the situation.

The Precept: From Proverbs 18.14 we learn that a strong spirit is able to handle a set-back.

What has helped you move on from a loss?

Photo of the author, Grade 2

Relationships – Why Bother?

What’s the purpose of relationship building?

Assume away self-seeking intentions. And, recognize that relationships are hard work.

Again, why bother?

Today’s Observation: Truly meaningful and lasting relationships are indeed a lifetime of work and commitment on the part of both partners.

The Precept: From Proverbs 27.17 we learn that relationships sharpen both parties, just as “iron sharpens iron.”

Why do you invest in relationships?

Photo of a lovely couple in a restaurant.

Don’t Miss This!

Some truths shouldn’t be missed, especially “be humble!”

Here’s some outcomes from humility:
1). Humility produces listening.
2). Listening produces learning.
3). Learning produces personal and professional growth.

Today’s Observation: Don’t miss this! We must get humility correct!

The Precept: Not listening and not learning produces serious consequences, as listed in Proverbs 1.26-30.

It took me a long time to get this practice right in my life – I’m still practicing! What helps you be a better listener and learner?

Kids Going Away?

In a little over a year one of our grandkids is leaving for college.

So, what advice do I have for my daughter – her mom?

Well, for starters, don’t ask what she is doing once she is away!

Ha, worked for me when her mom was in college!

Seriously, I suggest you give your child some slack for the transition.

Expect some pot holes as he/she finds her way in the world. 

Today’s Observation: I’m retired from 30 years in higher education but I believe that college isn’t a fit for everyone. So, regardless of where your high school graduate is going, give them some freedom to learn on their own, and thus develop self-confidence.

The Precept: From Proverbs 22.6 we learn that we teach children but ultimately (“…when they are old”) they choose to follow a good path.

What has helped you deal when a child is ready to leave home for career or college?

Small child in cowgirl outfit.

All Things to All People!

Doesn’t work! Never has!

How do I avoid this trap?
1). Have clarity about WHO I am -> self-aware
2). Believe in WHO I am -> self-worth
3). Be true to WHO I am at all times
4). Establish life priorities based on my life purpose

Today’s Observation: To be impactful and influential I must be a very specific person to a narrowly focused group.

The Precept: In Proverbs 16.22 we read how recognizing what’s most essential is life giving. As such, it’s an early statement of “first things first.”

How do you define “true to who you are”?

Making Tough Choices

Decisions can be hard for a number of reasons.

For example, because we:
1) Aren’t centered on our values.
2). Are afraid to act.
3). Are unwilling to change.

However, the toughest decisions, I think, are the ones where we are receiving conflicting advice, the time is limited, and the outcome will be impactful.

Today’s Observation: The toughest decisions truly require discernment on our part. We build discernment over time as we are intentional about thinking critically then acting decisively.

The Precept: In 1 Kings 3.9 Solomon presents a classic decision model:
1). Listen with the heart,
2). Discern right from wrong, then
3). Act in a way that reflects good judgment.

What’s your progress for handling tough choices?

Growth – Why Bother?

Personal and professional growth is an investment.

But, I’m really busy. Why bother with growing?

Growth must be:
1). Intentional, else there’s no progress
2). Continual, else I stagnate
3). Future oriented, else there’s no vision.

Today’s Observation: When I grow, I prepare my future self for future opportunities! That’s why we grow.

Remember, both chance and change favor those who are prepared!

The Precept: In Proverbs 22.29 we read how those who are prepared ahead of time enjoy significant opportunities to showcase their insights to influencers!

What is your motivation for personal growth?

Like sunrise, personal growth reflects newness each day,.