I’ve found that how I ask that question, like “Are You OK?” specifically my posture, is as important as asking the question.

This blog post contains my personal LinkedIn weekday posts for January 17 through January 19, 2022.

I want to respond appropriately!

I can respond appropriately! Well, some times…

For me, there’s a gap between good intention and effective execution!

Why is this so hard? Reasons include:
1).I’m determined to bite back.
2). I have nothing to say, so I cover up by saying a lot!
3). I lack self-control.

What I need is an appropriate response. Is that hard? You bet!

I can choose to pause before responding, if I want to, in order to respond appropriately. proverbsforprofessionals.net

Today’s Question: What’s worked well for you to develop measured responses that build your influence?

Graphic of a paraphrase of Ecclesiastes 10.3

Are you Ok?

I’ve found that how I ask that question, specifically my posture, is as important as asking the question.

Worst case: while walking past someone, without slowing down, ask “How’s it going?”

Best case: stop, then sit down with the other person. If appropriate, reference the issue you know is a concern.

What’s the difference?
1). Sitting down demonstrates undivided attention.
2). Being still expresses empathy and concern.
3). It’s easier to read facial expressions and have eye contact when both parties are seated.

Sometimes these conversations begin with “Got a minute?” That said, it’s not critical for you to solve the problem. It is important that you listen.

Today’s Insight: As a leader, how you ask, how you communicate, is more important many times than what you have to give back.

To be truly impactful, my counsel must reach deeply into the heart of the other person. Conversely, shallow conversations lack influence. proverbsforprofessionals.net

Proverbs 27.9 teaches that speaking deeply to the soul of another person brings joy to them.

A photo of a quiet place for reflection.

The danger of a basement!

No, it’s not falling down the stairs! Or, a water leak!

From personal experience, I know that the danger of a basement is that you never get rid of anything!

So, when it’s time to move you must do something with all that stuff.

Our lives are similar. We accumulate experiences, hurts, disappointments, and failures that are stored in our minds.

As long as the issues are stored away I never have to deal with them.

A full basement of unaddressed cares means lots of baggage to drag around through life. Lots of unaddressed fears that impact current relationships.

Today’s Insight: Keep the basement of your emotional life cleared out by purposeful reflection and honest self-assessment.

Physical healing is important. However, choosing emotional and spiritual healing is more critical. proverbsforprofessionals.net

Proverbs 18.2 points out the foolishness of self-discovery that doesn’t lead to experiential insight. I must always ask myself the “So what?” question.

Image of a paraphrase of Proverbs 2.2