It’s easy to talk about living a purposeful life, but few accomplish it. Why so? Because discipline is boring. And it’s hard work.

Living with Purpose

We should recognize our life purpose. Then, develop priorities based on that life purpose.

Additionally, we must remember that our character drives good judgment.

Then, that good judgment enables us to make wise choices, according to Proverbs 1.5. Or, we can make really poor choices, according to Ecclesiastes 10.3.

So, what does focus and being priority driven look like? Well, my typical Monday through Saturday daily schedule looks something like the following.

Note, all times are approximate. And remember, this schedule is for a 72-year old male. As such, my schedule when I was working was very different.

What boring looks like!

1). Up at 4:30 AM Monday through Saturday.

2). Exercise for 30 minutes then another 25 minutes on the recumbent bike while praying.

3). Then, a snack and water for 45-60 minutes. Check email and clean-out my LinkedIn in-box.

4). I’m outside at daylight for a 45-minute walk.

5). After the walk, cool down, shower, shave, and breakfast – another an hour or so.

6). By 9:00 AM it’s back on the computer for a LinkedIn post and responding to comments. The rest of the 9:00 – 12:00 time block is for LinkedIn, scripture reading, email, and bill paying.

7). Lunch is at midday, plus other busy-work tasks around the house. During both breakfast and lunch I read while eating if my wife and I are not eating together.

8). Around 1:30 or 2:00 PM I take a one-hour nap. By then I’ve been up for nine hours.

9). 3:00 – 5:00 PM is writing time. I write blog posts, LinkedIn posts, and handle other duties.

10). Around 5:00 PM I stop for a light snack. Next, back at my desk usually by 6:00 PM. Finally, most nights, in bed by 8:30 PM.

Verse paraphrase for Proverbs 10.3

Apply This Today!

Discipline, focus, and commitment are key elements to accomplishing life purpose.

Living with purpose, on purpose, requires self-discipline. We can enjoy life, but at the same time must be focused on accomplishing our life purpose.

Remember, it’s tough to set life priorities when we are unclear about our life purpose!