Being in a job that’s wrong for you is – wrong! When there, you are likely to say repeatedly “I Don’t Belong Here!” Continue reading to find a way out.

This blog post contains my personal LinkedIn posts for October 3 to October 9, 2022.

Why Is That Important to Me?

When I’m clear about life’s purpose, I can answer that question.

Knowing life’s purpose drives my priorities, hence helps me create goals.

I enjoy being busy by choosing to do those things I find to be incredibly fulfilling. It’s wonderful to have that choice in life!

Today’s Observation: When I know my life purpose, I’m able to live with purpose – on purpose!

The Precept: Proverbs 11.5 teaches that our spiritual life guides us to life’s purpose.

The Question: What criteria do you use for choosing goals?

Selfie of the author

The Right Order is Critical

At times, I reverse Knowing and Being.

WHO I am-my Being, should impact my Knowing.

When reversed, I allow knowing about challenges to act on my being, which negatively impacts my sense of self worth and self-control.

My purpose in life, and the passion I have for pursuit of that life purpose, will evolve over time as I continue to grow – personally and professionally!

Today’s Observation: I reverse the order of Being-Knowing when I tell myself I’m inadequate. I’m not ________ (smart, strong, insightful…) enough to deal with life!

Right order is critical!

The Precept: In Proverbs 1.7 Solomon points out that reverence is the foundation for knowledge. Thus, WHO I am before God comes before anything that I now know or will know.

BE first, then KNOW.

The Question: How do you address the “I’m inadequate” syndrome in your life?

Photo of a full moon early in the morning

I Don’t Belong Here!

Being in a job that’s wrong for you is – wrong!

I’ve been there. It’s awkward. Soul crushing.

Admitting the problem, and being willing to change, isn’t so easy.

In fact, being self-truthful is…painful!

Self-awareness that’s accurate, paired with self-confidence that’s realistic, together form the starting point for living with purpose, on purpose!

Today’s Observation: We don’t like to fail, but it’s an effective way to learn you’re in the wrong place. For example, a job where you don’t belong!

The Precept: From Proverbs 14.3 we learn that pride is the root of being foolishly unteachable. If unteachable, I never learn from life events.

The Question: How have you rebounded after hitting a career dead-end?

Photo of clouds over the mountains

Introvert Tip: Know Yourself

Can you accurately describe yourself?

Learn who you are.

That self-study uncovers your WHO, the person you are inside.

Here’s some words about me: Wins through persistence. Uses strong, steady tendencies to accomplish goals. Develops a routine; functions best when the routine is maintained.

Share some phrases that describe WHO you are.

I must believe in myself before I can expect others to believe in, and then invest in, me!

Photo of the author

Purpose, Then Passion

Life purpose is someone I’m becoming, not something I do. It’s discovery, not an end point.

I suspect that passion – what we dream, follows a clearer sense of life purpose.

My life purpose is to share the balanced life with influencers so they become wise-hearted and wise-behaving.

Grasping my WHY creates inside me a sense of excitement and anticipation, hence passion, for how that life purpose will play out over time in my life.

The Question: What’s your view of the link between purpose and passion?

Fog on the mountains

Finding My Authentic Self

The process of finding my authentic self occurs over a lifetime.

By growing professionally, personally, and spiritually I’m more in touch with my WHO.

WHO interacts with my life purpose, my WHY.

That authentic self pursues my clearly-understood, and divinely-given, life purpose.

Deep self-awareness, passionate self-confidence, and clarity about my life purpose form a powerful combination for building life momentum!

Today’s Observation: I cannot be my authentic self until I’m clear about who that authentic self is!

The Precept: Solomon shared in Proverbs 4.18 that knowing life purpose is like a light. That light grows brighter as I understand what God wants me to do in life based on what He has prepared me, and is preparing me, to do!

The Question: What disciplines have helped you be more in touch with, and accepting of, your authentic self?

Photo of a small building beside a country church