We’re attracted to the concept of abundance. But, what takes us to that place in life? Read on to learn how abundance is a deliberate choice we make.

Fields, fog, and mountains.

What Abundance Looks Like

Do you deeply desire a life of abundance? Then choose it – deliberately! We make that choice by knowing how to make sense of life. Ok, tell me more.

Proverbs Chapter 4 contains three, short, parent-to-adult-child conversations. In each, we find benefits of intentional character transformation (Proverbs 4.4 “…let your heart grasp…”).

What benefits?

Well, when we’re transformed by a precept-driven life we enjoy things like: protection (Proverbs 4.6), influence (4.8), poise (4.9), success (4.12), clarity of purpose (4.18), good health (4.22), and goal focus (4.25-27).

Now, that’s quite a list of benefits that flow out of a willingness to know and follow essential life precepts (Proverbs 4.4 “…keep these precepts…”).

In fact, traits like purpose and focus are elements of an abundant life. All because I’m thoughtful (Proverbs 4.26 “…ponder…”) in my approach to living.

An abundant life discovers its divine purpose. More importantly, an abundant life makes progress toward accomplishing that life purpose! Proverbsforprofessionals.net

Abundance is a Choice

But, what if I say NO? Turns out, that’s also a choice. With very predictable outcomes!

Thus, instead of making sense of things, I stumble around in the dark (Proverbs 4.19).

That’s quite a contrast.

I can connect the dots of life by making sense of what’s happening. Or, I can remain clueless about what has happened and why it happened.

Now, which of those outcomes would you choose?

When we deliberately choose precept-driven character transformation (Proverbs 4.5, 4.7 “Get…get…”) we – in turn – choose an abundant life.

Abundance is a deliberate choice, NOT an accidental occurrence of life. Proverbsforprofessionals.net

This is Critical

So, how essential is this teaching?

In Proverbs 4.7 Solomon says “Wisdom is the principle thing…” For “principle” he uses the same Hebrew word that’s translated “beginning” in Genesis 1.1 “In the beginning God created…”

Thus, wisdom is the foundation, the beginning, of all else that flows out of an abundant life. To me, that sounds fairly critical!

In regard to personal and professional growth, it’s not who I was, or who I am today that matters. Actually, who I’m becoming is what returns long-term dividends! That’s the multiplication principle at work in me to produce abundance. Proverbsforprofessionals.net

Apply This Today!

Deliberate choice begins with listening. It’s followed by intentional action. The simple, life-change model used here is Listen-Discern-Act.

Therefore, be teachable because it’s life itself (Proverbs 4.13 “…instruction is your life”). In fact, protecting our character is the essence of life (Proverbs 4.23).

I must be intentional about my personal growth, that is, about my own personal development, if I’m to enjoy abundance.