Importance of Resurrection

In 1 Corinthians 15.1-11 Paul offers proof of Christ’s resurrection. Next, he discusses the importance of Christ’s resurrection, in 1 COR 15.12-34. Finally, he describes what resurrection is like, 15.35-58. However, this post focuses on the importance of resurrection. Key Passage: 1 Corinthians 15.12-34 For proof that Christ died and was resurrected, the Apostle Paul […]

Being Precept-driven Brings Me Influence

A precept-driven life is beneficial. For example, benefits include more capacity. Also, success. Most specifically, being precept-driven brings me influence. Wisdom is a Female! Guess what? In Proverbs, wisdom is a female! For example, “she” and “her” are used in Proverbs 3.15. Likewise, in Proverbs 3.16. Similarly, see: 1). Proverbs 1.20 – wisdom calls publicly. […]