I was extremely engaged in professional growth at the mid-point of my life. However, it took be a long time to realize that personal vision is long-term.

This blog post is a collection of my personal LinkedIn entries for February 14 through February 19, 2022.

Look and learn!

Sometimes, the best learning comes from observing and reflecting on the mistakes of others.

Many see what’s happening. But, few look deeply. Then, learn from observation.

Don’t we already know this? Well, fact is “commonly understood” doesn’t mean “commonly practiced”!

Moreover, being obvious doesn’t mean being easy. 

Learning continually is part of building a sound character. proverbsforprofessionals.net

Today’s Observation: Don’t walk by the same place everyday without stopping to see what’s really there!

Photo of a swan on a small pond.

Passion or purpose

What’s the difference? Can you be passionate without a clear sense of purpose?

I recall times when I was passionate – engaged, energetic. But lacking a clear sense of purpose.

Think of passion as emotion, thus an energy source.

That passion can drive you toward your life purpose as you visualize life lived there – a desired state of being.

Today’s Question: How do you differentiate between passion and purpose?

Visualization of life purpose, and an abundance mindset, are critical traits that drive me forward. proverbsforprofessionals.net

According to Proverbs 2.21 one element of a complete life is to accomplish my life purpose as given to me by God.

JPG image with a quote about living with purpose, on purpose!

Are you serious?

I’ve heard this in response to an outrageous comment.

Why say something so inappropriate? Sometimes it’s carelessness. Unfortunately, sometimes the person really believes what they just said!

The cure? Become more discerning so you can:
1). Discredit hurtful and divisive speech.
2). Refuse to believe conspiracies and lies.
3). Acknowledge the best in others.
4). Confirm there are multiple paths to a solution.
5). Know the difference between right and wrong.

Today’s Insight: Build a discerning character by asking “can that really be true?”

Listen – Discern – Act is a good foundation for leading effectively. proverbsforprofessionals.net

In First Kings 3.9 Solomon asked for the discernment to know the difference between right and wrong. Why? So he could reason effectively as a leader. The basis of his leadership success was knowing and doing right.

How to become a shallow adult who often hears "are you serious?"

How do you differentiate commitment and discipline?

Here’s my take: Commitment focuses on attitude whereas discipline focuses on daily practice.

From Proverbs 10.4 we learn that diligence produces wealth.

Photo of trees turning colors during the fall

Building key messages!

I believe that part of stepping out of a comfort zone is to begin sharing with others.

Over time our key messages will develop as we build self-confidence and refine those messages.

Today’s Question: In what ways do you add value to others?

Photo of early morning fog.

Personal vision is long-term!

I was extremely engaged in professional growth at the mid-point of my life.

But, it took years to grow to the point that I reached the vision I had for where I wanted to be.

Today’s Observation: It’s important to start moving toward your vision. But to get there you must keep growing – persistently!

You cannot “Begin with the end in mind” until you actually Begin!

Photo of fall colors in trees.