Responding to No can be awkward when you are an internal job candidate. Read this post for suggestions about how to move forward.

Proverbs for Professionals byline: Practical Applications of Timeless Precepts

Ever have a problem responding to NO!

For example, when you were an internal job candidate and the position went to an external candidate. I’ve been there and done that!

Actually, I have been an internal candidate and got the job.

Unfortunately, I have been an internal candidate and didn’t get the job. Several times.

Proverbs for Professionals verse paraphrase for Proverbs 13.12 as used in the post: When It's My Time

My story

After several years in higher education administration a very desirable position came open. Moreover, the feedback I received from a number of people inside and outside the organization was very favorable about applying.

Thus, after several weeks of careful consideration, I applied. But, I was not a finalist, that is, I didn’t make the short list.

Then, the search failed. It was reopened. This time, I didn’t apply. However, I eventually applied after being encouraged to do so by the search committee. Again, I didn’t get the job!

What to do? I determined to continue to grow professionally. After a series of circumstances, over a six-year period, I eventually accepted the position.

JPG image entitled Living Life On Purpose

Tips for responding to No

1). One takeaway from “didn’t get” is the importance of continuing to grow personally and professionally. That way, you are better prepared the next time an internal opportunity presents itself.

Action Item: Swallow your pride while looking for ways to improve your capabilities and thus the value you bring to the table. In short, invest in yourself!

JPG image of a paraphrase of Proverbs 11.24-25

2). Another takeaway is to remember that the people who said “No” to you are still there when you go back to work the next day. You must maintain those working relationships. Thus, bridge burning never works.

Action Item: Perceptions of you evolve, over time, as you grow and as you change. So, you want to be viewed as a stronger candidate? Change yourself!

Remember: No isn’t final until you choose to accept it as such! Learn to persist if you are to accomplish your desires!

What should I do while waiting for a career opportunity? When it’s my time, I step forward to lead because I prepared myself during that wait.