Deep growth, expressed as self-awareness and self-worth, produces great impact – in us and on others. I need deep growth for great impact!

This blog post contains my personal LinkedIn entries for May 16 through May 22, 2022.

Perception and reality

I suspect we all believe we are rational and logical.

Thus, we believe we create our lives intentionally.

However, the reality is we struggle with negative self talk, as well as with triggers that lead to emotional outbursts.

If there were easy solutions, we would never be controlled by our emotions.

Today’s Observation: My perception of life is truly the reality I choose to live in each day!

The Precept: From Proverbs 7.1-4 we learn that before changing WHAT I DO I must first undergo transformation of WHO I AM. Hence, begin with WHO!

What helps you balance perception and reality?

Can we be both realistic and optimistic?

I see myself as realistic. That’s good, I think.
But, I’m not very optimistic. Less good, I think.

So, in regard to self-belief, we must be both:
1). Realistic – We know what we can accomplish now
2). Optimistic – We believe we can grow to become more impactful.

Today’s Observation: Without optimism, we will often undersell ourselves, thus are less influential than we can be.

The Precept: Personal growth builds both our capacity and our influence; see Proverbs 3.16 for these outcomes of knowing wisdom.

Where do you stand on the realistic-optimistic scale?

Photo of an old fence and trees

An unpleasant truth!

Who doesn’t want personal growth?

Well, growth demands letting go!

Letting go of things that no longer serve us. That’s tough because it means moving outside our comfort zone.

Today’s Observation: Growth is good – it moves us forward. But, it’s painful – it requires letting go!

The Precept: In Proverbs 8.5 wisdom asks us to let go of shallowness and foolish overconfidence.

“What got you here won’t get you there!”
As such, what are you releasing right now?

Photo of fall foliage

What’s your truth?

Your truth is life insights. When shared, those insights add value by inspiring others.

Sharing your truth means being self-aware. You know where you add value when giving away that truth. 

Knowing your value requires a sense of self-worth. 

Today’s Observation: Self-awareness and self-worth are critical traits for each of us to develop in order to share our truth.

The Precept: In Matthew 5.16 we are encouraged to let our light shine. One way we do that is by sharing our truth.

Share in a comment how you add value to others.

Sunrise in the mountains

Deep growth for great impact!

Self-discovery, looking inside, brings deep growth.

Deep growth, expressed as self-awareness and self-worth, produces great impact – in us and on others.

Today’s Observation: The depth of our inner life determines the impact of our outer life as we share from the overflow.

The Precept: In Proverbs 2.4 we learn that the personal transformation from knowing wisdom is like finding hidden treasure.

Experience is good. Sharing the treasure of experiential insight is even better.

What’s your outlet for giving back?

Early AM sunrise over the trees

Are you a Have To or Get To person?

Moving from Have To to Get To is a mindset shift that moves us from being a victim to being proactive.

That shift recognizes we have choices in life. Often, Have To fails to recognize the importance of gratitude.

Today’s Observation: After years of Have To choices we find ourselves limited by where we are in life – emotionally, mentally, and physically. Then it’s very difficult to break out of that trap.

The Precept: In Proverbs 23.7 we read the ancient principle that we become what we allow to dominate our thought life.

Our words reflect our thoughts. How have you quit the Have To pattern?

PFP Quote  about gratitude

Overlooking what’s there!

The inherent beauty or value of anything is extremely subjective.

Thus, what we notice may be interesting to us.

However, many times we overlook beauty or value.

Why! Because we’re too busy or too self-consumed to see what’s really there!

Today’s Observation: In the constant rush for productivity I must not overlook what’s hidden in plain sight – right in front of me!

The Precept: In Proverbs 14.29 we are warned that being in a hurry produces bad results. In other words, haste makes waste!

What practices enable you to slow down enough to see what’s really there?

Reflection of trees on a lake