When we wait expectantly, and wait with hope, we are actively waiting. This post examines the value of active waiting, most specifically in regard to our spiritual life.

A slow-moving mountain stream - photo used in the post The Value of Active Waiting

We read much about the benefits of active listening. But, what about active waiting?

What does active waiting actually mean? What’s to be gained by active waiting? Hence, what’s the value of active waiting?

What is Active Waiting?

Face is, we must learn to wait expectantly and actively. Otherwise, we are constantly busy but not going anywhere.

To me, active waiting is, quite simply, living proactively. That’s something we need to learn early in life.

It’s recognizing the personal growth that takes place during those times when nothing seems to be happening in us or around us.

What’s the Value of Active Waiting?

Truly, when we learn this valuable lesson about waiting – hence about stillness, we enjoy rest. More specifically, we:

1). Are led to a place of rest, Psalm 23.2

2). Enjoy personal revelation, 1 Kings 19.12

3),. Find divine knowing, Psalm 46.10

4). Are connected to God Himself, Psalm 62.1

5). Find our ultimate source of hope – in God, Psalm 62.5

6). Recognize our source of divine help and protection, Psalm 33.20

7). Receive renewed strength, Isaiah 40.31.

In Ecclesiastes 12.1 Solomon encourages those younger than him to remember their creator while they are young. That is, to build spirituality early in life. He closes that verse with a warning about how waiting until later to build a relationship with God is problematic. proverbsforprofessionals.net

Where Does Active Waiting Leave Me?

What we learn in the stillness of waiting we can then apply during the noise of life.

However, how do I respond when I’m close to a break through, but there’s a delay?

Solomon called this “hope deferred” in Proverbs 13.12.

Active waiting enables me to persevere. To learn and grow during those delays of life. To become who I must be in order to accomplish what God desires for me to do with my life.

Proverbs 13.12 paraphrase as used in the post The Value of Active Waiting

Apply This Today!

So, what’s the value of active waiting? Most specifically it draws me into a closer, more dependent relationship with God Himself!

But, how good am I – personally – at waiting? Well, not very good at all!

Don’t forget, one of the signals from times of waiting is that we’re not yet prepared for what’s to come next. We need additional skills. More maturity, insight, and discretion. Hence, the waiting.