Spring flowers against a cloudy sky as used in the post Therefore Choose Life!

Life presents many choices, but we must choose wisely if we’re to enjoy abundance and blessing. Truly, “therefore choose life” presents an incredible opportunity for us!

Where Did I Get This?

“Therefore choose life” is a demanding phrase. I use it regularly in my posts. But, it’s borrowed!

In fact, it’s a quote from scripture, from Deuteronomy 30.19-20. The passage deals with choices in life.

Those two verses of scripture are a call.

We’re asked to make a deliberate choice. Specifically, about our life path.

What’s the Precept Here?

Several thousand years later the personal growth literature mirrors this choice.

How so? By asking us to be intentional. To live with purpose. On purpose.

Moreover, we’re asked to take responsibility for our life outcomes. By being proactive. To not be a victim.

Truly, abundance is a deliberate choice we each get to make.

The fundamental precept here is intentionality-accountability. Huh? Well, I make intentional choices, therefore I’m responsible for the outcomes of those choices!

We choose wisely when we intentionally choose to grow. But, we must be conscious of how we’re using the time we have if we’re to see measurable growth. proverbsforprofessionals.net

The Power of Intentionality

Intentionality is both powerful and critical.

Why? Because we build character daily by the deliberate choices we make.

For example, we can choose comfort or we can choose growth.

Actually, our intentional choices build character.

Similarly, our character is reflected by our intentional choices.

Now, from my own experience, those two – choices and character – reinforce each other.

As such, my choices change WHO I am – right now.

More importantly, my choices reflect WHO I am – right now.

Apply This Today!

Therefore choose life is just that – a deliberate choice. Consequently, I get to select my life outcomes each day by what I do – intentionally. Thus, I must choose wisely!

I make lot’s of choices each day. What’s a good way to measure their value to me? How about asking: “Is this choice serving me well?”

Ok, what drives wise choices? For one, clarity about my life’s purpose – my WHY.

Remember, it’s much easier to stay focused when I know exactly where I’m heading in life.